A167-Cross Valley CourtA184A184 Slip RoadA64 EastboundA67-Former SchoolA67-Fromer SchoolA689-A177 JunctionAagrar RestaurantAbbey Day CentreAbbey Junior SchoolAbbey RoadAbbey Road Lay-ByAbbey Sports CentreAbbots GardensAbbotside CloseAbbotswoodAbercromby RoadAcacia AvenueAcacia GardensAcademyAchray House HotelAcomb ParkAcorn GardensAcre Rigg SchoolsAdamson PlaceAddison CrescentAddison RoadAdj Farm EntranceAdj Tarka CentreAdolphus PlaceAdult Training CentreAdventure ValleyAerial HouseAged MinersAged Miners HomesAgnew WayAgnew Way-Kings DriveAinsworth Hall RoadAinsworth RoadAlbany WayAlbany Way - BorrowdaleAlbany Way - Windlass LaneAlbert RoadAlbion GardensAlbion TerraceAlder Community High SchoolAlder CrescentAlder Park - Beech ParkAlder RoadAlderston DriveAldford GroveAldiAldin Grange TerraceAlexandra CourtAlexandra Road TopAlhambraAllan AvenueAllangibbon BrAllen StreetAllerton Road West Park RdAllgood TerraceAllotmentsAll Saints ChurchAll Saints - Dale RoadAll Saints - Redworth RoadAll Saints SchoolAll Saints SquareAlma TerraceAlness DriveAlpha StreetAlston CrescentAlwent HallAlwinton GardensAmos AvenueAnchor RoadAnderson Street-Ocean RoadAngel InnAngel Of The NorthAnglesey GroveAnnfield Terr - CalowaysAnsdell RoadAnvil CourtApethorn LaneApolloAppleton AcademyAppleton Road End ShopsArcadiaArch - Eden TerraceArcher AvenueArch - Park RoadArdross PlaceArdwick Green ParkArm RoadArmy Cadet CentreArmy Reserve CentreArrans HotelArrowe Brook LaneArrowhill RoadArthur StreetAsdaAshbourne WayAshbrook CloseAshbrook Hey LaneAshbrow RoadAshcroft RoadAsh DriveAshfield Rd Ashfield TerrAshkirk CloseAshleigh HouseAshton Old RoadAshton Old Road (Stop A)Askew Road-GarageAskew Road West-Oak SquareAskew Road West-ParkAskham GroveAthollAtsAtyon Road - Monkside CloseAuckland OvalAuckland PlaceAuction MartAuld Shank InnAuster BankAvening CloseAvenue FarmAvenue HouseAvon AvenueAvon CourtAvondale AvenueAvon RoadAvon Road - Durham RoadAvon Road - Tyne RoadAxwell View-East Park GardensAxwell View-Parkside AvenueAxwell View-Sports GroundAykley Heads - For University HospitalAyton RoadAyton Road - Monkside CloseB1284-Four Lane EndsBackford RoadBack Lane End - New Rd EndBack Lane-SchoolBack Lane-Twizell AvenueBackwell CommonBailiff Br FieldsBailiff Bridge FieldsBailiff Bridge JunctionBainbridge StreetBakewell PlaceBalfour CourtBallingry RoadBallingry Turning CircleBalliol RoadBalmaclellan ShopBanbeath RoadBankBank BottomBank FootBank Hall Station (Stop A)Bank Hall Station (Stop B)Bank HouseBanksideBank TopBantock AvenueBarclays BankBarcus Close New FarmBarlow Lane-Knobbyends LaneBarlow Lane-Number 43Barlow RoadBarlow Road-Barlow Fell RoadBarlow Road-South FarmBarmoor Lane-Cypress GroveBarmoor Lane-Main RoadBarmoor Lane-St Mary'S TerraceBarmston CourtBarnes RoadBarn Hill - TopBarningham Lane EndBarns ParkBaron RoadBarrack Road-Leazes CourtBarrack Road-Leazes ParkBarrack Road-New MillsBarr LaneBarry StreetBassington Lane PathBaxter Road - Berwick AvenueBaxter Road-Birrell SquareBaydale FarmBaydale RoadBbc Tv CentreBeacon Medical PracticeBeal CrescentBeatrice StreetBeaumont AvenueBeaumont Crescent Hail And RideBeaumont Street-Cato StreetBeaumont Street-Faber RoadBeaumont Street - Sunderland RoadBeaurepaireBebside Middle SchoolBecca LodgeBeck HouseBedburn DriveBeddow CourtBede Burn Road-Butchers Bridge RoadBede Burn Road-Field TerraceBede Burn Road-Rede StreetBede Burn Road-Social ClubBede Burn Road-Wood TerraceBede RoadBedford Avenue-Cumberland PlaceBedford Avenue-Suffolk PlaceBeech AvenueBeech Avenue - Ash GroveBeechcroftBeech DriveBeechfield RoadBeechfiled RoadBeech GroveBeechtree RoadBeechville ClubBeechwood AvenueBeechwood CrescentBeechwood Gardens-Elderwood GardensBeechwood Gardens-Rowanwood GardensBeechwood ParkBek Road EndBelgrave CourtBelle Vue BankBelle Vue Bank - Belle Vue GroveBelle Vue MillsBelle Vue (Stop E)Belle Vue (Stop H)Belle Vue StreetBell InnBellyeoman Primary SchoolBellyeoman RoadBellyeoman SurgeryBelmont Link RoadBelmont Park And RideBelvedere RoadBenarty AvenueBenarty SquareBenfieldside RoadBennett StreetBenridge BankBenridge Bank-The MeadowsBensham Road-Alexandra VillasBensham Road - Coatsworth RoadBensham Road-Musgrave VillasBentley Country ParkBenton Road-Chuter EdeBenton Road-Heaton GardensBents ParkBerking AvenueBernard TerraceBertha StreetBesses O'Th' Barn Metrolink (Stop H)BeurardBeverley RoadBeverley Way - ShopsBexhill Road-Bexhill SquareBexhill Road-Borodin AvenueBibury CloseBiddick AcademyBiddick Lane-Fallowfield WayBiddick Lane-SchoolBillingham GreenBinchester MoorBingoBingo HallBinnington Lane EndBirchwoodBirchwood DriveBird InnBirks RoadBirtley Lane-Fell CloseBirtley Lane-Harras BankBirtley Lane-Old VicarageBirtley Lane-Orchard StreetBirtley Lane-SchoolBirtley Lane-The AvenueBirtley Road-FlyoverBirtley Road-GoldstarBirtley Road-Picktree LaneBishopdale CloseBishopton HouseBlack BoyBlack DiamondBlackett StreetBlackford BridgeBlackhall BankBlack HorseBlackie BoyBlack LionBlackmoors LaneBlack PathBlackpool Old RoadBlacksmiths ArmsBlackthorn WayBlackton CottageBlackwell Post OfficeBlackwood RoadBlackwood Road-Bingley StreetBlackwood Road - Brunswick RoadBlair WayBlakefield RoadBlamsters CrescentBland'S Corner RoundaboutBlaydon Bank-Alice StreetBlaydon Bank-Cricket GroundBlaydon Bank-Croftdale RoadBlaydon Bank-Lawrence CourtBlaydon Bank-Monarch TerraceBlaydon Bank-Widdrington RoadBlaydon Bus StationBlaydon West Primary SchoolBleach GreenBlenheim RoadBlind Lane-Newstead RoadBlossom StreetBlucher StreetBlue Bell CourtBluebell DiveBluebell DriveBluebell Way - Alverton DriveBluebell Way-Eade CloseBluebell Way Scout CentreBlue BridgeBlue Chip ComputersBlue House FarmBlue House Lane-Albany WayBlue House Lane-Weardale AvenueBlue HousesBlueknowes RoadBlundellsands And Crosby Station (Stop B)Blundellsands And Crosby Station (Stop C)Blyth Community CollegeBmb GroupBoard InnBogBolam Street-Turning CircleBoldon LaneBoldon Lane - Harton LaneBoldon Lane-Heaton GardensBoldon Lane-New RoadBoldron Lane Hail And RideBolsover TerraceBolton BridgeBolton FarmBolton Rd Farfield HouseBolton Rd Main StBolton Rd The AcresBolton RoadBolton'S LaneBone Mill Bank Hail And RideBonemill Lane - Biddick LaneBonemill Lane-Community CentreBonemill Lane-James Steel ParkBonemill Lane - Station RoadBooth StreetBootle Strand Shopping Centre (Stop A)Bootle Strand Shopping Centre (Stop C)Borough AvenueBosbury TurnBoughton AvenueBoundary StreetBoundary Street EastBoundary ViewBourne AvenueBournemouth DriveBourne StreetBourton MeadBousfield CrescentBowbridge FarmBowburn HallBowden StreetBower CourtBowes Museum GateBowes RoadBowling GreenBowling Green StreetBoyne Hotel - Front StreetBoyne Hotel - High StreetBp Service StationBrabyns RoadBrace Of PistolsBracken CourtBrackenhill RoadBrackenly LaneBraddocks CloseBradford CrescentBradford Cr-Roosevelt RdBradley BarBradley BungalowsBradley CloseBradley CottagesBradley DriveBradley Fold RoadBradmore InnBraefoot CourtBraesideBraeton LaneBramhall RoadBramley CloseBrancepeth CloseBrancepeth TerraceBranch FootBrandon Lane - Linden Park JunctionBrandon Lane StoresBrasside Hmp FranklandBraunespath CottageBraunespeth EstateBreckon HillBreweryBriar Avenue-Bell MeadowBriar Avenue - Blackthorn CloseBriar Avenue-Cypress CourtBriardale Road West EndBriardale - ShopsBriardeneBriarhillBriar RoadBriar StreetBriar TerraceBriar WalkBridgeBridge EndBridge End CottageBridgenorth RoadBridge Of RossBridge RoadBridge StreetBrighouse McdonaldsBrighouse PoolBrighouse Rail StationBrighouse SainsburysBrighouse TescoBrightlingsea RoadBrinkburn Cres-Burnside AveBrinkburn Cres-Leyburn GroveBrinkburn Cres-Moorsburn DrBrinkburn Cres-Newburn CresBrinkburn Cres-Station RdBrinkburn RoadBroad LaneBroad Rd - Belmonte AveBroadview VillasBroadwayBroadway RoadBroadway - Thornley CloseBrocklochBroken Scar Treatment WorksBromley RoadBrook CottageBrookdale Avenue NorthBrooke Road WestBrook FarmBrook StreetBrookwater CloseBroom CottagesBroomhall DriveBroomhill TerraceBroom Lane EndBroom Road-Primary SchoolBrooms Avenue Road EndBroom Shields MainsBroomsideBroom TerraceBrougham CourtBrougham StreetBrowney BanktopBrowney Lane End - ClubBrown HorseBrowns RoadBruce Glasier TerraceBrunswick RoadBrunton ParkBrus CornerBryan AvenueBryans GarageBuchanan DriveBuckingham DriveBuckingham DrvBuckinghamshire Road - Schools EndBuckingham StreetBucks-Hants Road JuncBucks-Notts Road JuncBude SquareBullers GreenBullion HallBullion Lane - SchoolsBull RingBungalowsBurdon PlainBurdon RoadBurdon Road-Bede PlaceBurdon Road-Civic CentreBurdon Road-Closeburn SquareBurdon Road-Myrtle GroveBurdon WalkBures RoadBurley StreetBurn FarmBurnhall DriveBurnhill Way - CemeteryBurnhill Way GarageBurnhill Way-Woodham GateBurnhope Way - Beverley WayBurnhope Way-East Durham CollegeBurnhope Way - Neville RdBurnhope Way Slip RoadBurnip RoadBurn Lane - Care CentreBurn Lane - Sid Chaplin DrBurnopfield RoadBurnopside HallBurn Park Road-Durham RoadBurn Road-Barlow LaneBurns AvenueBurnside EstateBurnside Estate Blind LaneBurns Leisure PoolBurns RdBurn TerraceBurnthouse BankfootBurnthouse LaneBurnthouses LaneBurn Valley RoundaboutBurtondale RoadBurton House Lane EndBurton LaneBurtree GateBuryfieldsBus Interchange (Stand 1)Bus ShelterBus StandBus StationBus Station (Bay 1)Bus Station (Bay 14)Bus Station (Stance 2)Bus Station (Stance 8)Bus Station (Stance 9)Bus Station (Stand 1)Bus Station Stand 1Bus Station Stand 11Bus Station Stand 18Bus Station (Stand 3)Bus Station Stand 3Bus Station (Stand 4)Bus Station (Stand A)Bus Station Stand ABus Station Stand A (Stand A)Bus Station (Stand B)Bus Station Stand BBus Station Stand CBus Station Stand DBus Station Stand D (Stand D)Bus Station (Stand E)Bus Station Stand EBus Station (Stand F)Bus Station Stand FBus Station Stand GBus Station (Stand H)Bus Station Stand HBus Station Stand JBus Station Stand KBus Station Stand LBus Station Stand Q (Stand Q)Bus Stn (Stand 21)Bus StopBus Turning CircleBusty Bank FootBusty BridgeButlinsButlins Main GateButterworth StreetByermoorBypassBy-PassBypass IslandBypass Slip RoadByron - Burns CloseByron RoadByron TerraceBywell DriveCabin GateCadger BankCaithness RoadCalder CrescentCalfclose Lane-Haughton CrescentCalfclose Lane-Ribble WalkCalf Close ShopsCaliforniaCalifornia RowCallington DriveCaludon Park AvenueCamborne RoadCambridge BatchCameron CourtCanberra StreetCanmore LodgeCannon StreetCanterbury CloseCanterbury RoadCanterbury Road - Chelmsford RoadCanterbury Road ParkCanterbury Road SchoolsCanute StreetCapledrae FarmCaravan ParkCardigan GroveCardigan Road-Caithness RoadCardigan Road-Castleford RoadCardinal Hume Catholic SchoolCardinal Wiseman SchoolCare HomeCare HomesCarfax StreetCarlbury HallCarlingwark StreetCarlton BingoCarlyle CrescentCarmel GroveCarmichael StreetCarnegie AvenueCarr AvenueCarr Avenue-Hawthorn ParkCarrfieldCarr Hill Road-Elgin RoadCarr Hill Road-Ruskin RoadCarr Hill Road-Strathmore RoadCarr Lane-ButtermereCarr Lane-Canterbury CloseCarr Lane-Opposite 108 MayfieldsCarr Lane-RossmereCarr Lane-Troutbeck CloseCarrot Farm CottagesCarr Street-WesterdaleCarr Street-WestfieldsCarsphairn Post OfficeCartwright DriveCarwood FarmCasan Turning CircleCassell BankCastaway Caravan ParkCastle DeneCastledene RoadCastledene Road - Gloucester RoadCastledene Road - Lumley DriveCastledene Road - Woody CloseCastleknowe GardensCastlereagh Aged MinersCastle RoadCastleside Industrial EstateCastletown WayCastletown Way-Riverbank RoadCastletown Way-SainsburysCastle View ClubCathedralCatherine TerraceCatholic ChurchCatholic ClubCausey Arch Country ParkCausey Arch InnCausey Bridge EndCavendish DriveCavendish MemorialCedar FoldCedar RoadCedar Road-Grange RoadCelia StreetCelluware FactoryCemeteryCemetery GatesCemetery RoadCemetery Road AllotmentsCenotaphCentral AvenueCentral Avenue NorthCentral Avenue TescoCentral Drive - Rock RoadCentral Drive - ShopsCentral ParadeCentral ParkCentral Stn Clayton StCentral Stn Neville StCentreCentre (Stop 5)Chain Bar LaneChandlers Wharf Retail ParkChapelChapelford FarmChapel LaneChapel PlaceChapel StreetCharlaw InnCharles StreetCharles Street (Stand Cj)Charles Street (Stand Eb)Charles Street (Stand Ej)Chatsworth RoadChaucer AvenueChaytor Road - BottomChaytor Road - MiddleChaytor Road - TopCheadle RoadCheadle Road - Canterbury RoadCheapside Stand BCheapside Stand CCheapside Stand FCherington RoadCherry ParkCherry TreeCheshire PlaceChester DriveChester RoadChester Road-Boundary HousesChester Road - Church StreetChester Road-Clydesdale AvenueChester Road - Council AvenueChester Road-CrematoriumChester Road-Croft AvenueChester Road-Eastfield StreetChester Road-FernleaChester Road-Flinton Hill FarmChester Road-Foxcover RoadChester Road-Gardiner SquareChester Road-Grangewood CloseChester Road-Greenwood RoadChester Road-Grindon MillChester Road-Hindsons CrescentChester Road-MonumentChester Road - Prestbury RoadChester Road-Priory GroveChester Road - Rose Street WestChester Road - Sevenoaks DriveChester Road - Station RoadChester Road-St Gabriels AvenueChester Road-The PrecinctChester Road-UniversityChester Road-Windermere CrescentChester Road-Wolseley TerraceChester StreetChestnut AvenueChichester RoadChichester Road-Imeary StreetChichester Road-John Clay StreetChiltern RoadChilton HallChilton Lane - Trafalger StChopwell Road - Connolly TerraceChowdene BankChowdene Bank-Andrews DriveChowdene Bank-ClubChowdene Bank - SainsburyChowdene Bank-The Lodges RoadChrist ChurchChristie AvenueChristine AvenueChurchChurch BankChurch Chare SchoolsChurch - Fines RoadChurch HillChurch LaneChurch MeadowChurch RoadChurch Road - ShopsChurch RowChurch St - Railway PathChurch StreetChurch Street-Aged Miners HomesChurch Street-Cuthbert StreetChurch Street-Longfield FarmChurch Street-St Cuthberts RoadChurch Street-The CrescentChurch ViewCivic HallClachanClacton Garden CentreClap ShawClaremont RoadClarence ChareClarence GardensClarendon SquareClare RoadClark TerraceClassic Coaches Bus DepotClavering Play AreaClavering Road-Whickham BankClaxton Lane EndClaydon DriveClaypath Millennium PlaceClayton Road AldiClayton Terrace Road-Townley TerraceClaytonvilleCleasby RoadCleatlam Lane EndClements StCleveland AvenueCleves Cross SchoolClifford Bank TopCliffords Bank FootClifford StreetClifford TerraceClockClock TowerClough DeneClowes StreetClubClub - Post OfficeClub - Watling RoadClumber RoadClune TerraceClyde CourtClydesdale LodgeCoach And HorsesCoach ParkCoach Road CornerCoaley Lane-Beechwood TerraceCoaley Lane-Melrose GardensCoalford LaneCoastguard CottagesCoast Road-Cheviot RoadCoast Road-Frenchmans BayCoast Road-KingswayCoast Road-New CrownCoast Road-Norfolk RoadCoast Road-Redwell LaneCoast Road-Waters EdgeCochrane TerraceCockerton LibraryCock O The NorthCock O The North - South RoadCockton Hill ClubCode Building (Stop Fx1)C Of E Primary SchoolColchester RoadColdwell LaneColdwell Lane - Albion StreetColepike HallColeridge AvenueCollegeCollege AvenueCollege RoadCollege Road EndCollege ViewColletts FieldsCollierley SchoolCollier PlaceColliery InnColliery Lane-Eppleton HallColliery Lane-Four Lane EndsColliery Lane-Lyons AvenueColliery Lane-Sports GroundColliery RoadCollingdon Road-Collingdon GardensCollingdon Road - Hookergate LaneCollingdon Road-Post OfficeCollingham PlaceCollingwood Street-Greenwells GarthCollinsfieldColne PrioryColumbus RavineCommercial HotelCommercial RoadCommercial StreetCommonCommon RoadCommunity CampusCommunity CentreCommunity HospitalCompton GroveCompton Park SchoolsComrades ClubComrie CroftConcord Bus StationConies RoadConiston CrescentConnaught AvenueConsett Bus Station Stand AConsett Bus Station Stand BConsett Bus Station Stand CConsett Bus Station Stand DConsett Bus Station Stand EConsett Bus Station Stand FConsett Bus Station Stand GConsett Bus Station Stand HConsett Bus Station Stand JConsett RoadConsett Road-Greens FarmConsett Road-Ravenswood LodgeConyers AvenueConyers Avenue - Myrtle AvenueConyers Avenue - Pelaw AvenueConyers Avenue - Pelaw RoadConyers Crescent Hail And RideCook AvenueCooks OfficesCook WayCo-OpCo-Operative StoreCooperative TerraceCo-Operative TerraceCo-Op StoreCo-Op SupermarketCopeland HouseCopeland Lane EndCopeland Rd-Dickenson RdCopeland Rd-Robson RdCopeland RowCope StreetCopmanthorpe MotorsCopper BeechCoppice Wood AvenueCoppins GreenCorkershopCorner ShopCornflower CloseCornforth LaneCornlands Road ShopsCornsilloch CottageCoronation BridgeCoronation FarmCoronation RoadCoronation StreetCoronation Street-Cornwallis StreetCoronation TerraceCortswayCotsford LaneCottageCottagesCottages - WestCouncil HousesCouncil OfficesCouncil YardCoundon Road EndCountry Meadows Holiday ParkCounty HallCounty Primary SchoolCounty Primary School Bus OnlyCounty SchoolCourier StreetCourtauld Playing FieldsCourtenay RoadCoventry University (Stop Cu2)CoverleyCovert CloseCow Moor BridgeCoxhoe HallCragsideCragside GardensCraigendCrambeckCrawcrook Lane-Chester GardensCrawcrook Lane-Main StreetCrawcrook Lane-Stannerford RoadCrawford AvenueCrawford StreetCrematoriumCresswell ArmsCrestfield AvenueCricket ClubCricket GroundCricklewood RoadCrimdon DeneCrimdon House FarmCrimdon TerraceCrime Rigg BankCroft Community SchoolCroftdale RoadCroft DriveCroft LaneCroftsideCroft StreetCroquet GardensCrosby Road NorthCrosby Village (Stop B)CrosfieldsCrossgateCrossgate Peth - BottomCrossingsCross KeysCross LaneCross LanesCross Lane Victoria RdCrossroadsCrossroads - Durham RoadCross RowCross StreetCrossways CourtCrouch Street (Stop Db)Crown And ThistleCrowngate Bus Station (Stand M)Crown Point (Stop C)Crown Point (Stop G)Crowther StreetCrow Trees Lane - Welfare ParkCroxteth RoadCulcheth GatesCulcheth LaneCullercoats RoadCumby RoadCumminsCure HillCurrysCushy Cow LaneCuthbert StreetCygnet HospitalCypress CrescentDairyDairy LaneDairy Lane-Wallace StreetDairy Lane-Willow RoadDaisy RoadDalacres DriveDalchonzieDale Road Industrial EstateDale TerraceDallymore DriveDalton Heights RoundaboutDalton VillageDalvreck HouseDamsideDane RdDans Castle - Aged Miners HomesDans Castle - Methodist ChurchDans Castle - SurteesD'Arcy RoadDarlington CloseDarlington CollegeDarlington Rail Station Main EntranceDarlington RoadDarlington Road-Hower HouseDavid Lloyd Leisure CentreDavison Drive North EndDavis TerraceDawlish TerraceDawson StreetDeal CloseDean Bank Aged MinersDean Bank Hackworth StDean Bank Newcomen StreetDean Bank VillasDean Bank Youth ClubDean RoadDean Road GarageDean Road-John Clay StreetDean Road-Marlborough StreetDean Road - Sunderland RoadDean View HouseDearnley AvenueDebdale Park (Stop B)Deepdale GardensDeerness ViewDelves LaneDene Bridge RowDeneburn GroveDene CourtDenecrestDene DriveDene Estate Richardson CourtDene GroveDene Hall DriveDene House FarmDene House LodgeDene House Rd - Railway StationDene House Road - North RoadDene ViewDene VillasDenton StationDents GateDerby Drive - TopDerwent AvenueDerwent BridgeDerwent Care HomeDerwent Cote FarmDerwent CottageDerwent Dene LodgeDerwenthaughDerwenthaugh Bridge ApproachDerwenthaugh Road-Sands IndustrialDerwent Reservoir West EndDerwentside CollegeDerwent StreetDerwent TerraceDerwent ViewDerwent View TerraceDerwent WalkDerwentwater AvenueDerwentwater Road-PitzDerwentwater Road-Post OfficeDerwentwater Road-Ropery RoadDerwentwater Road-South Hill RoadDerwentwater Road-Teams BridgeDerwentwater Road-Teams ClubDetroit RoadDevham DisplayDevon PlaceDevonshire ArmsDevon StreetDewlands RoadDewsbury Road Thorn ViewDfsDiageoDiamond InnDiddridge Lane EndDilston ParkDilston RoadDipwood Road-Bowes Lyon CloseDipwood Road-Lintzford CloseDipwood Road-Orchard RoadDipwood Road-Riverside WayDixon EstateDobbies Corner - Mt Pleasant VwDobbies Corner - Weardale StDochart RoadDog And GunDogs Trust LeedsDolphin CentreDorchester RoadDoric RoadDoric Road - Walton'S TerraceDorset AvenueDouglas GardensDouglaswoodDouthwaite RoadDownhill Lane-Downhill FarmDownhill Lane-Lawn DriveDowson RoadDoxford InternationalDoxford International-ArrivaDoxford Park Hall FarmDoxford Park Mill HillDoxford Park ShopsDoxford Park WayDoxford Park Way-Bowlynn CloseDoxford Park Way-Frobisher CourtDoxford Park Way - KirkhillDoxford Park Way-Melgrave DriveDoxford Technology ParkDragon Lane EndDragon Lane Near TescoDragon Lane Opposite TescoDragon Lane Retail ParkDrover HouseDrovers Call Care HomeDruridge CrescentDryburn Hospital - Old EntranceDryburn ParkDuckworth Lane (Stop B)Dudley Lane Shops (Stop C)Dudley RoadDuke Of WellingtonDuke StreetDunadinDuncombe Estate
Dunelm DriveDunelm RoadDunelm Road MiddleDunham CloseDunlin DriveDunmore Nursery SchoolDunnock Drive-CheviesDunnock Drive-Sandpiper CloseDunns CopseDunston Bank-Swimming PoolDunston Bank-Whickham HighwayDunston Road-Beech DriveDunston Road-Meadow LaneDunston Road-ParkDunveganDurham Drive-Bristol WayDurham Drive-Canterbury WayDurham Drive - Fellgate MetroDurham Drive-FootbridgeDurham Drive-Gloucester WayDurham Drive-Lichfield WayDurham Drive-LimecroftDurham Drive-Peterborough WayDurham Drive-St Josephs WayDurham RoadDurham Road-Albert DriveDurham Road-Appledore GardensDurham Road - Barnes Park RoadDurham Road - Beaconsfield RoadDurham Road - Beaconsfield TerraceDurham Road-Beckwith RoadDurham Road-Bede CentreDurham Road - Board InnDurham Road-Bridal PathDurham Road-Calderwood CrescentDurham Road-Cedars GreenDurham Road - Charter DriveDurham Road-Co-OpDurham Road-Corrighan TerraceDurham Road-Cowley CrescentDurham Road-CroftsideDurham Road-Cromer CourtDurham Road - Crow LaneDurham Road-DenefordDurham Road - DobbiesDurham Road - Dorset AveDurham Road - Drum RoadDurham Road-Dryden RoadDurham Road-DunelmDurham Road-Dunelm SouthDurham Road-Eden House RoadDurham Road - Elder GroveDurham Road EndDurham Road-Engine LaneDurham Road-Ettrick GroveDurham Road-Fire StationDurham Road-Four Lane EndsDurham Road-Fox StreetDurham Road-GarageDurham Road-Grindon LaneDurham Road-Harlow GreenDurham Road-Harras BankDurham Road-Harras TerraceDurham Road-Hartington StreetDurham Road-Hutton TerraceDurham Road-LibraryDurham Road - Lloyd AvenueDurham Road-Meadows LaneDurham Road-Memorial CottagesDurham Road-Millbeck GroveDurham Road-Musgrave SchoolDurham Road-Northbourne StreetDurham Road-NorthdeneDurham Road-North StreetDurham Road - Orchard StreetDurham Road-Over The Hill FarmDurham Road-Pancras RoadDurham Road-ParksideDurham Road-Parkside FarmDurham Road-Parkside SouthDurham Road-Plains RoadDurham Road-RidgewayDurham Road-Riversdale TerraceDurham Road Saltwell ParkDurham Road-Shipcote LaneDurham Road - South StreetDurham Road-Sports GroundDurham Road - Station RoadDurham Road-St ChadsDurham Road-St Chad'S RoadDurham Road-Stoney GateDurham Road-The RoyaltyDurham Road-Valley ViewDurham Road-West ParkDurham Road-Windsor RoadDurham Road - York RoadDurham StreetDurham WayDurham Way - Barnard WyndDurham Way NorthDurham Way - Passfield WayDurham Way SouthDwp Tyneview ParkDyson LaneEagle CottageEarls HallEarth BalanceEasby RoadEasedale Gardens-Sunniside GardensEasington Road North EndEastbourne Methodist ChurchEast Broomshiels FarmEast CastleEast Cliff RoadEast Durham College - CampusEast EndEast End BusEastern Avenue-EarlswayEastern Avenue-KingswayEastfieldEastfields RoadEast Flass FarmEast Herrington Board InnEast LawEastlea SchoolEastlea StoreEast PortEast StreetEastview CloseEast West Link RoadEastwood AvenueEastwood GrangeEdc Technical AcademyEddy'S BridgeEden Arms - WestEden CloseEden GarageEdenhill Road - ShopsEdenhill Road - TopEden RoadEden TerraceEdge AvenueEdgehill RoadEdge LaneEdge Lane Metrolink (Stop B)Edinburgh DriveEdward StreetEdward TerraceEeEgglestone LaneEighton Road-NurseryElcoat TerraceEldon ArmsEldon BankEldon Square Bus StationElectricity Sub-StationElemore LaneElemore Lane-Bramble HouseElemore Lane-Dorset StreetElemore Lane-Grasmere AvenueElemore Lane-James TerraceEleventh AvenueElisabeth Avenue-Edward RoadElisabeth Avenue-Elm TerraceElisabeth Avenue-Lansbury DriveElizabeth DriveEllam AvenueElland LaneElland Ln Springfield RoadEllison RoadEllison Road-Catholic ChurchEllison Road-The CrescentElmfield AvenueElmfield RoadElmhirst AvenueElm ParkElm RoadElm TerraceElm WayElmwood Avenue - Chestnut CrescentElmwood Avunue - Chestnut CrescentElsinore Ave Cresfield CrescentElsinore Avenue Cresfield AveElsma RoadElterwater RoadElton RoadEly TerraceEmbleton DriveEmbleton Road EndEmbsay Road JunctionEmerson Way-Bowes RoadEmmanuel CollegeEndeavour CourtEnglish Martyrs SchoolEnglish Martyrs School (Stand E)Ennerdale DriveEntranceEriffErnespie RoadEskdale PlaceEsk GardensEsperley Lane EndEsperley Lane EndsEsplanade West-The CloistersEssex County HospitalEssington Way - Crawford AvenueEssington Way - Stephenson RoadEssington Way - Yoden RoadEstateEstate - ShopEstate ShopsEtherley Lane - ClinicEtherley Lane - Violet BanksEvenfield FarmEvenwood LaneEvenwood Lane EndEvesham Bus Station (Stand C)Evesham Country ParkEwehurst GardensEwehurst RoadExley HeadFaber Road-Beaumont StreetFaber Road-Old Mill RoadFairfield Road (Stop D)Fairfield WayFairmoorFairneyfauld Road EndFalcon RoadFallowfield Way-Farrier CloseFallowfield Way - Fernlea CloseFallowfield Way-FootbridgeFallowfield Way-RivermeadFallowfield Way - Shepherd WayFallowfield Way-SouthcroftFamily WoodFarfield HallFar Gosford StreetFarmFar Meadow LaneFarrers ArmsFartown BarFatfield House FarmFatfield RoadFatfield Road-Oxclose RoadFawcett StreetFell Coke WorksFellgate AvenueFellgate Avenue-FieldwayFellgate Avenue - SandiacresFellgate Avenue-SchoolFelling Bypass-EnnerdaleFelling Bypass-Henderson GardensFelling SquareFellside ParkFellside Park-Fellside RoadFellside Road - Axwell ViewFellside Road-Byermoor FarmFellside Road-East ByermoorFellside Road-Golf ClubFellside Road-ParkwayFellside Road-Runnymede RoadFellside Road - West StreetFellside Road-Woodmans ArmsFell TopFence Houses Avenue VivianFenhallFenham Hall Drive-Barrack RoadFenham Hall Drive-Fowberry CrescentFenham Hall Drive-Simonburn AvenueFenswood RoadFenton CloseFeraFerndown RoadFerryboat LaneFerryboat Lane-Business ParkFerryboat Lane-Caithness RoadFerryboat Lane-Cardiff SquareFieldfare LaneField HouseFieldhouse LaneField LaneFields Farm CloseFields Farm RoadFieldwayFife College GlenrothesFifth AvenueFinchale AvenueFinchale Rd-St Cuthberts WayFinchale RoadFinchers CornerFindon Hill Post BoxFindon HilltopFindon LodgeFines RoadFines Road PithouseFines TerraceFinings AvenueFire StationFire Station CottageFirgrove AvenueFirst AvenueFirst SchoolFir Tree CrescentFirtree GarageFir Tree InnFisher LaneFisher Lane RoundaboutFisher PriceFishers LaneFishers Lane-Arcot ManorFisherwell RoadFisherwell Road - Shields RoadFitzwalter RoadFitzwilliam CloseFive BeechesFive Lane Ends - CemeteryFlass InnFlass TerraceFlax Bourton LaybyFlaxton Lane EndFleming FieldFlockhouse AvenueFlothersFolkestone RoadFollingsby RoundaboutFondlyset LaneFootball GroundFootball Ground-Social ClubFootball StadiumFordwell RoadForesters ArmsForest RiseForkliftFormer Masons ArmsForrest RoadFossdyke GardensFountainFour Lane EndsFour Lane Ends-Lyons TavernFour RiggsFour Seasons HotelFourth StreetFowler Street - Town HallFox And HoundsFox & Hounds PhFoxpond RoundaboutFoxwood Lane ShopsFrances StreetFranklyn RoadFrenchgateFriary GardensFront St Infants SchoolFront StreetFront Street - Dockendale LaneFront Street- Dockendale LaneFront Street-Fatherly TerraceFront Street Fence HousesFront Street-Former Queens HeadFront Street-Hadrian CourtFront Street - Junction Woodbine RoadFront Street-Lambton LaneFront Street - Rectory LaneFront Street-Rock Farm MewsFront Street - School LaneFront Street - School StreetFront Street - Sedgeletch RoadFront Street-Station Avenue NorthFront Street-Station Avenue SouthFront Street-The PaddockFront Street The RidgesFront Street WestFrosterley InnFrowick LaneFulmar Drive - Turnstone DriveFulwell RoadGagarin WayGainford RoadGainford Road EndGalgate - Commercial HotelGalgate - Stand AGalgate - Stand BGalsworthy Road-Benton RoadGalsworthy Road-Whiteleas WayGaltres RoadGanton Service StationGaol Square (Stand 1)GarageGarburn PlaceGarden CentreGardeners ArmsGarden HouseGarden TerraceGardiner CrescentGarmondsway RoadGarth HouseGarthsGarven Place Alighting OnlyGasferry RoadGas Works Bridge Road-Riverside InnGatcombe FarmGateGatehouse TheatreGate LaneGateshead InterchangeGateshead RoadGateshead Road-Pennyfine RoadGateside Industrial EstateGateside VillageGayles VillageGayles Village CentreGeneral HospitalGeneral StoreGenesis WayGeneva Road Post OfficeGent RoadGeorge And DragonGeorge AvenueGeorge StreetGibraltar LaneGibsideGibside BungalowsGibside Chapel EntranceGibson StreetGilbrook WayGillas Lane-Copt HillGillas Lane-Dene AvenueGillas Lane-Dene GardensGillas Lane EastGillas Lane-Golf CourseGillas Lane-Salters LaneGillas Lane-Warden LawGillas Lane WestGill CrescentGilling RoadGill Lane Hail And RideGill StreetGilpin RoadGipton ApproachGirls Grammar SchoolGirvan CloseGladstone TerraceGladston RoadGlanville RoadGlaxo - For Sports CentreGlebeGlebe CloseGlebe CrescentGlebe Crescent-Avebury DriveGlebe Crescent-John F KennedyGlebe Crescent-Number 17Glebe Crescent-Number 29Glebe Est - Four HousesGlebe FarmGlebe HouseGlebelands RoadGlebe RoadGlebesideGlebe TerraceGlenalmondGlen AvenueGlen BarrGlendenning ArmsGlenfield RoadGlen GardensGlenhurst RoadGlenluceGlenluce Drive RoundaboutGlen RoadGlenside TerraceGlenside View EstateGlen TerraceGlossip StreetGlossop Street-East StreetGlossop Street-Howard TerraceGlossop Street-Roseview CottageGloucester RoadGloucester Road EndGloucester Road - Metcalfe RoadGloucester TerraceGodley Station (Stop B)Godley Station (Stop F)Golden Palm ResortGoldfields Way Moorlands RdGoldsmith AvenueGolf ClubGolf Club - BridgeGolf Club HouseGolf CourseGolf Course Road-Bowes LeaGolf Links AvenueGolf RoadGood StreetGoose Cote LaneGore Hall EstateGorton Shopping CentreGosforth TerraceGraham CrescentGraham RoadGrainger StreetGrampian ParkGrange AvenueGrange CottagesGrange CourtGrange FarmGrange Farm Lane EndGrange LaneGrange Mount HouseGrange TerraceGrange Villa Road EndGrant StreetGranville RoadGrapes HotelGrasmere DriveGrasmere Drive Thirlmere AveGrasmere GroveGrasmere TerraceGrassholmeGray AvenueGrayscroft Coach DepotGrayson Road - Lyne RoadGreasby Primary SchoolGreat Newton StreetGreat North Road-Brunton LaneGreat North Road-Glamis AvenueGreat Richmond StreetGreenGreenbank CourtGreenfield ParkGreenfield SchoolGreenfields Rd - Ind EstGreenfield Way - Blackton CloseGreen FootGreenhill Park RoadGreenland RoadGreen LaneGreen Lane - Council OfficesGreen Lane FarmGreen Lane Long HeysGreenmount RoadGreen RisingGreenside RoadGreenside Road-ChurchGreenside Road - Dale View GardensGreenside Road JubileeterraceGreenside Road-Jubilee TerraceGreenside Road - Westwood ViewGreenwaysGreenways Estate Jubilee ParkGreenwellGreenwell Rd Leisure CentreGreenwell Road - Dalton WayGreenwells GarageGregson TerraceGrewburn LaneGrewburn Lane EndGrey Horse PhGrey Horse StoreGreyhound InnGreyhound StadiumGreymare HillGrey Mare HouseGrimes DikeGrimsby InstituteGrindon LaneGroat AvenueGrosvenor RoadGrove CottageGrove CourtGrove Rd - Murray ChapelGrove Rd - SainsburysGrove RoadGrove Road EndGrunnanGuildford RoadGun InnHagg FarmHaggs LaneHalf MoonHalfway GarageHallcroft LaneHall FarmHall Farm Road-Bishops WayHall Farm Road-Foxlair CloseHallgarth Manor HotelHallgarth ViewHall GatesHall Hill FarmHall Ings (Stop H11)Hall LaneHall Lane EstateHall Lane Est - ShopHall Road-West ViewHalls FarmHalstead ParkHalstead Road CornerHalton AvenueHamble RoadHambleton RoadHamletHammerstones Rd Hullenedge RdHammerstones Rd Leach LaneHamm StrasseHampden CrescentHamsterley Road EndHandy Drive-Bus DepotHannonsHanover SquareHappy WandererHarbour Drive-Haven PointHarbour Drive-Littlehaven BeachHardwick HotelHardys Animal FarmHardys CornerHare And Hounds Veterinary CentreHarefield RdHare & Hounds CrossroadsHare LawHarestanesHarewood RoadHarlow GreenHarlow Green LaneHarlow Green-Ripley CourtHarmire RoadHarperley CampHarperley RoundaboutHarperley TerraceHarras BankHarratonHarrington RoadHarrison CrescentHarrowgate Hill RoundaboutHart AvenueHart Bushes Hall FarmHartford RoadHartforth LaneHartlea AvenueHarton Lane-Blyth CourtHarton Lane EndHarton Lane - Loudon StreetHarton Lane-SchoolHarton Lane-Temple Park RoadHarton NookHart Rd End East Of FlyoverHart Rd End West Of FlyoverHart Village HallHartwell StreetHaswell MoorHat And Feather Inn - Derwent ViewHat And Feather Inn - Fines RoadHat And Feather Inn - Roman RoadHattersley Road WestHaughton Green TerminusHaughton RoadHavelock Council OfficesHaven Holiday ParkHawarden GroveHawkesbury MewsHawkshill TerraceHawswater HouseHawthorn CrescentHawthorne CrescentHawthorn LaneHawthorn Road TopHawton Lane EndHaymarket Barras BridgeHaymarket Bus StationHaymarket Bus Station (Stand Hk)Haymarket St Mary'S PlaceHazelbush FarmHazel RdHazel Road-Elm RoadHazel Road-Linden RoadHazel Road-Maple RoadHazelwood Castle HotelHeadley BarHead Street (Stop Ea)Health CentreHearts Of OakHeathbank AvenueHeath RoadHeathwayHeaton Park Metrolink (Stop D)Heaton TerraceHebburn CollegeHeddon View-TynebankHedley Hill TerraceHedley TerraceHedley West House FarmHedworth LaneHedworth Lane-Donkins StreetHedworth Lane-Fawley CloseHedworth Lane-Leam LaneHedworth Lane-West ViewHeighington LaneHelford RoadHelme Park GarageHelmington GroveHelmington HallHemmingen CourtHempland LaneHenderson AvenueHendon RoadHenry AvenueHereford StreetHermitageHerrington BurnHerrington Burn - A182Hertford-ChowdeneHertford - Dartmouth AveHertford-WoodfordHessewelle CrescentHetton Le Hole InterchangeHetton Road-CemeteryHetton Road-Durham RoadHetton Road-Milton AvenueHetton Road-Sandcroft DriveHeugh Hall Road EndHeworth ChurchHeworth Felling By-PassHeworth InterchangeHeworth Lane-Maiden OverHeworth Road-Douglas TerraceHeworth Road-SchoolHeworth Road-The DriveHexham Old RoadHexham Old Road-CemeteryHexham Old Road-ChurchHexham Old Road-Church RiseHexham Old Road-Clifton CloseHexham Old Road-Holly Bush VillasHexham RoadHexham Road - Brewery BankHexham Road - Broadmeadows CloseHexham Road - Sands RoadHeywood Road (Stop D)Hidcote RoadHigh BankHigh Barn RoadHigh Beechburn Lane EndHigh Carr RoadHigh Fallowfield FarmHighfield AvenueHighfield HospitalHigh FriarsideHigh GreenHigh Hamsterley RoadHigh Hope Street EndHigh House FarmHigh Lands TerraceHigh Level Bridge North EndHigh-Low Grange FarmsHighmoorHigh Point Retail ParkHigh Point Retail Park - Middleton RoadHigh Queen StreetHighridgeHigh RowHigh SchoolHigh ShawsHigh Shaws - Stack GarthHigh StablesHigh StreetHigh Street - Dun CowHigh Street - Ivy RoadHigh Street-Moss SideHigh Street - S Cross StreetHigh Street-Seven Stars PubHigh Street - Springwell RoadHigh Street Stand AHigh Street Stand CHigh Street Stand DHigh Street Stand FHigh Street Stand GHigh Street Stand RHigh Street Stand THigh Street (Stop Fc)High Street (Stop Fd)Highways DepotHighways FlatsHigh West RoadHigh West Street-Bewick RoadHigh West Street-Civic CentreHigh Woodfield FarmHild-Bede CollegeHill BankHillbark RoadHill CrescentHillside FarmHillside GardensHillside WayHill StreetHilltop Road - West EndHillview RoadHillylaid RoadHilsdon DriveHilsdon Drive - Spout LaneHilton Road EndHindburn CloseHippodromeHmrc Benton Park ViewHodgson'S RoadHolbrook RoadHolburn ParkHolden RoadHoldforth Road East EndHole In The Wall EstateHoliday InnHoliday Park EntranceHoliday Park GatesHolland HallHolland StreetHollin CrescentHollin HillHollinsideHolly AvenueHollybush CottagesHollybush LaneHollyhillHollyhill Gardens EastHolly Hill Gardens ShopsHollyhill Gardens WestHollymoor Lane EndHolly StreetHolmcroftHolme Hill East ViewHolme Hill LaneHolmeside (Stand 4)Holmeside (Stand 5)Holmeside (Stand 6)Holmeside (Stand 7)Holmlands CrescentHolmsideHoltby Lane EndHoly Trinity ChurchHoly Trinity Parish ChurchHome Farm CloseHoniton AvenueHood LaneHookergate LaneHookergate Lane-Burnop TerraceHookergate Lane-Chopwell Woods RoadHookergate Lane-Ethel TerraceHookergate Lane-Lintzford LaneHookergate Lane-SchoolHookergate Lane-School LaneHookergate Lane-Wood TerraceHope HouseHopetownHorden HotelHorden Railway StationHorse And Groom PhHorsegate BankHorsemarketHorsley Hill SquareHorsley RoadHorton Grange RoadHospitalHospital FarmHospital GatesHospital Main EntranceHostelHotelHotel Lodge (Entrance)Hotwell RoadHoughton Cut Slip RoadHoughton Health CentreHoughton Le SpringHoughton-Le-SpringHoughton Rd-Broomhill TceHoughton Rd-Grasswell TceHoughton Road-BroomhillHoughton Road-Caroline StreetHoughton Road-CemeteryHoughton Road-Coaley LaneHoughton Road-Mowbray TerraceHoughton Road-Rainton BankHoughton Road-Regent StreetHoughton Road-The BungalowsHoughton Road-Woodlea CloseHoults Ln Cherry Tree DriveHouseHouselopbridge HouseHowden BankHowden HallHowgill FarmHowlands Park And RideHowle GateHowl JohnHubert Street - AsdaHubert Street - Gibson CourtHuddersfield AsdaHugh PlaceHullen EdgeHullenedge LaneHulme RoadHumber HillHume Arms PhHundens ParkHunderthwaite Road EndHuntley GroveHuntsman'S WalkHunwick Lane EndHunwick Lane - Leisure CentreHunwick Road EndsHursley CloseHurworth House SchoolHustledown - SouthfieldsHustledown - Tyne RoadHuttons Ambo Lane EndHyde Bus Station (Stand D)Hyde Bus Station (Stand F)Hyde CemeteryHyde Market Place (Stop Dd)Hyde Road Bus DepotHylton CastleHylton Lane - Kentucky RoadHylton Road-CemeteryHylton Road-Deptford RoadHylton Road-Erith TerraceHylton Road-Fordham RoadHylton Road-Gilsland StreetHylton Road-Hadleigh RoadHylton Road-Havelock HospitalHylton Road-Number 639Hylton Road-Palgrove RoadHylton Road-Parkhurst RoadHylton Road-Peasemoor RoadHylton Road-Penistone RoadHylton Road-St Marks ChurchHythe Railway StationIlkley Rd Church StreetImeary Street-Chichester RoadImeary Street - Dean RoadInd Est Werdohl WayIndustrial EstateIndustrial Estate LakeIndustrial Estate North EndIngham RoadIngleby Rd Northside RoadIngleby Rd Syedna WayIngleby Road Duncombe StInglewood DriveInglis View CottageInkerman - GarageInkerman - Turning CircleInnInskip WalkInstituteInstitute TerraceInterchangeInterchange (Stand E)Interchange Stand FIrvin AvenueIslingtonIveston Road - Pontop ViewIveston Road - Shaftoe CloseIvy HouseIvy House FarmIvy RoadJackson Road (Stand F)Jackson StreetJames StreetJarrow Bus StationJaywick LaneJdJimmy Hill WayJinnah RestaurantJobs Hill BankJohn Dobson St-Carliol StJohn Fowler WayJohn Howe GardensJohn Kennedy RoadJohn Reid Road-Brockley AvenueJohn Reid Road-Cronin AvenueJohn Reid Road-Newcastle RoadJohn Reid Road-Perth AvenueJohn Reid Road-Whiteleas WayJohnson MattheyJohnson StreetJohn StreetJohn William Street (Stop J3)John William Street (Stop J5)Jolly HattersJoyce Terr - Deerness VwJubilee BridgeJubilee CottagesJubilee CrescentJubilee Crescent - Maple CourtJubilee MeadowJubilee Road - Chestnut CloseJubilee Road - Coronation AveJubilee Road - SchoolJubilee SquareJubilee TerraceJubille TerraceJupiter CourtKeble RoadKeighley Bus Station EntranceKeighley Health CentreKempston StreetKen BridgeKendal AvenueKendoonKenmore WayKensington DriveKenyon LaneKettle CottageKetton Hall FarmKiddal Lane EndKillingbeck AsdaKillingbeck CemeteryKim-RayKing Coel Road NorthKing Edward Road-Alexandra GardensKing Edward Road-Simpson StreetKing Edward Road-Tyne GardensKing Edward Road-War MemorialKing George RoadKings Caravan ParkKingsdale MereKingsdale RoadKingsgate CentreKings HeadKingslea CottageKingsmeadow Community SchoolKings Moor RoadKings RoadKing StreetKingsway - BridgeKingsway-Clover HillKingsway - Coronation StreetKingsway-Fifth AvenueKingsway-Fourth AvenueKingsway-Gladeley WayKingsway NorthKingsway North - First AvenueKingsway Park High SchoolKingsway Retail ParkKingsway RoadKingsway Road-Keighley AvenueKingsway Road-Kidd SquareKingsway-Second AvenueKingsway-Seventh AvenueKingsway SouthKingsway South - Ninth AvenueKing WilliamKinross CloseKirkdaleKirkdale RoadKirkham RoadKirk InnKirk LaneKirk RoadKirkton AvenueKirkwood Gardens-Keir Hardie AvenueKirkwood Gardens-Laski GardensKnapton Lane EndKnaresborough RoadKnighton RoadKnightside Gardens - BraesideKnightside Gardens-Douglas GardensKnightside Gardens-Monkridge GardensKnightside Gardens-Whickham HighwayKnightside Gardens - Woodburn GardensKnightside Gardens-Woodside GardensKnitsley WalkKnott LaneKnoulberry RoadKnoulberry Road - Shunner CloseKnowledge GatewayKnowles RoadKylemore DriveLabour ClubLaburnum GardensLaburnum GroveLaburnum RoadLaburnum TerraceLaing StreetLake RoadLakes EstateLambton Arms PhLambton Drive - Bowes GroveLambton Pleasure ParkLambton RoadLambton Worm PhLamesley Road-Lamesley HallLamesley Road-Willowbeds FarmLancaster HillLancaster TerraceLanchester GreenLand House FarmLands RoadLands Road EndLane CottagesLane EndLane EndsLane HeadLanglands Primary SchoolLangleydale CommonLangley OfficesLangley RoadLansbury DriveLansdall AvenueLarchfield HouseLarch RoadLarks Hill EstateLarks Hill - Merlin CourtLarks Hill - Osprey CloseLarks Hill - The LarchesLarkspur DriveLaude BankLaugherne BrookLauncherhead RoadLaunde RoadLaurel CroftLaurel GroveLaurel RoadLaurence ParkLaverock HallLawnswood RoadLawrence DriveLax TerraceLayerthorpe AsdaLayton AvenueLeadgate HouseLeadgate Rd Service StationLead RoadLeaholme TerraceLeam LaneLeam Lane-Lawson AvenueLeam Lane-Whitemare PoolLeander AvenueLeazes Rd - Underpass Stand ALeazes Rd - Underpass Stand BLeazes Road - Millburngate BridgeLeazes ViewLeechlee RoadLeeds RoadLeeholme RdLeeholme Road EndLees StreetLee TerraceLegh Street (Stop Ae)Legrams Mill LaneLeicester AvenueLeison StreetLeisure CentreLeisure Centre-AcademyLeslie'S ViewLevel CrossingLibraryLibrary - SchoolLichfieldLichfield GarmondswayLichfield RoadLidlLifford HallLiggatLightfoot Crescent
Lightfoot RoadLilly StreetLilycroft SchoolLily GardensLilywhite Tce-White Gates DrLilywhite Terrace-Lawson TerraceLime AvenueLime GroveLinacre LaneLinacre RoadLincoln AveLindenLinden AvenueLinden PlaceLinden RoadLindsay StreetLingey CloseLingey Lane-Montrose DriveLingey Lane-St Georges CourtLingley Green AvenueLingy Close FarmLink RoadLinks AvenueLintzfordLinwood GroveLister MillsLitchfield TerraceLittleborough Square (Stop B)Little Catterton LaneLittle ChefLittle DrumrashLittle LaneLittle London Caravan ParkLittle White FarmLivin HousingLloyd DriveLobley Hill Road - Beechwood GardensLobley Hill Road-Chiltern GardensLobley Hill Road - Kingsway NorthLobley Hill Road-Newbury PlaceLobley Hill Road - New RoadLobley Hill Road-QueenswayLobley Hill Road-Ravensworth CrescentLobley Hill Road - Rothbury GardensLobley Hill Road-Rothbury GardensLobley Hill Road-Sacred HeartLobley Hill Road-Schoolhouse LaneLobley Hill Road-Strathmore CrescentLobley Hill Road-Victoria RoadLochgelly RoadLochlands JunctionLochleven GardensLochty AvenueLockhaugh Road-Cowen TerraceLockhaugh Road-Derwent ParkLockhaugh Road-Dominies CloseLockhaugh Road-FarmLockhaugh Road-Glamis CrescentLockhaugh Road-Hollin Hill LaneLockhaugh Road-Thornley LaneLodgeLodge FarmLombard Drive - EastLombard Drive - WestLomond DriveLondonderry RoadLong Bank-Black LaneLong Bank - Eighton LodgeLong Bank-Springfield AvenueLongcloseLongdale DriveLongdendale High SchoolLongfieldsLong Hill RoadLonglands DriveLong RiggLong Tens WayLongton AvenueLonton South FarmLord BarringtonLord Crewe ArmsLord Lawson Of Beamish AcademyLord NelsonLord StreetLorne StreetLoud View TerraceLouth RoadLovelinch GardensLow Bank LaneLower Edge Rd Whitwell GroveLow Esh FarmLowland RoadLow Mill FarmLow Moor Medical CentreLow Mown Meadows - ShopsLow Parkall FarmLowry GroveLow Side FarmLowson StreetLow Stonechester Lane EndLuke StreetLumley GardensLund ParkLunedale RoadLyar DeneLymington CrossingLyndhurst RoadLynn Park CrescentM62 BridgeMacainsh Parish ChurchMacdonald DriveMace ShopMacrosty ParkMafeking TerraceMagdalene StreetMain EntranceMain RoadMain Road-Barmoor LaneMain Road-Barmoor TerraceMain Road-Blackhouse LaneMain Road LaybyMain Road - Reasby GardensMain Road-Runhead EstateMain Road-Social ClubMain Road - WatermillMain Road - Whitewell LaneMainsforth Road EndsMain St Church StreetMain StreetMain Street-EmmavilleMain Street - Kepier ChareMain Street-Meadow LaneMain Street The Fleece PhMajor Garage - SchoolsMalham WayMalton Road EndMalvern RoadManchester Piccadilly Rail Station (Stop A)Mancunian RoadMann CrescentManningham Lane Retail ParkManorManor CourtManor FarmManor - Farm GateManor Farm Lane EndManor Farm - Manor ViewManor Farm - Wood LaneManor Green Primary AcademyManor HeathManor RdManor RoadManor Road-House TerraceManor Road-Northumberland WayManor Road-Roseberry CourtManor Road-Wood TerraceManor SchoolManor Way ChurchManor Way - HatfieldManor Way - Labour ClubManse CourtManse RoadMansfield StreetMansion HeightsMaple AvenueMaple StreetMaplewood AvenueMaregreen RoadMargaret TerraceMarguerita RoadMarian DriveMaritime CrescentMarket HouseMarket Lane-Bank FootMarket PlaceMarlborough DriveMarlborough RoadMarleys CottagesMarquisway - Kingsway SouthMarsden Lane-Fulwell AvenueMarsden Lane-Hampshire WayMarsden Lane - Prince Edward Road EastMarsden Road-Barbour AvenueMarsden Road-Bulmer RoadMarsden Road-Harton House RoadMarsden Road-Moor Lane EastMarsden Road-TabernacleMarsden Road-The CloistersMarshall PlaceMarsh Farm CornerMarsh LaneMarsh MillMarske LaneMartins WayMartin Top ChapelMarwood ViewMary TerraceMascot SquareMasonic HallMasons ArmsMassey RoadMatalanMatfen CourtMatthew Telford ParkMaude StreetMaude TerraceMaudlyn RoadMaud TerraceMayfield AvenueMayfield HotelMayfield ParkMayfieldsMayflower CloseMayflower GardensMayo AvenueMay StreetMccullagh GardensMcmullen Road RoundaboutMeadow CloseMeadowcourt RoadMeadowdaleMeadowfield Avenue-North EndMeadowfield HouseMeadowfield WayMeadowheadMedical CentreMedway Gardens-SouthfieldsMegsons CourtMelbourne RdbtMelbourne VillasMellanby CrescentMelling RoadMellor ChaseMelsonby VillageMelton DriveMendip AvenueMerchants RoadMercia Retail ParkMerlin DriveMessines LaneMethodist ChurchMetrocentre InterchangeMeynell CloseMicklegateMiddlefield Farm UnderpassMiddle GreenMiddles Farm VillageMiddles Road ShopsMiddleton RoadMiddleton Road EndMiddleton Road - Masonic HallMidlaw CrescentMidparkMiers AvenueMillMillbank GarageMillburngate Stand A (Stand A)Millburngate Stand B (Stand B)Millburngate Stand C (Stand C)Millburngate Stand D (Stand D)Mill CottageMillennium Way - Ruff And TumbleMiller CrescentMiller StreetMillfieldMillfield High SchoolMillfield MetroMillgateMillgate CottagesMill HillMill Hill - Cook WayMill Hill - LinreadMill Hill RoadMill Hill Road-Baffin CourtMill Hill Road-Shetland CourtMill Hill Road-Wansbeck CourtMill Hill - WeiserMill House Leisure CentreMill Inn - Station RoadMill Inn - Stockton RoadMill Lane-Mill TavernMill Lane-St James ChurchMill RoadMill Road-Chopwell FarmMill Road-East TerraceMill Road-Moorland ViewMill Road-Pear Tree TerraceMill Road-West CrescentMilner Ln Hoults LnMilton Road-Chaucer RoadMine HunterlyMiners InstituteMole Country StoreMoncrieff TerraceMonklands CourtMonkton Business ParkMonkton Business Park SouthMontague CourtMontgomery CrescentMontgomery WayMonumentMonument Grainger StreetMonument Market StreetMonzievaird Village HallMoorcockMoorcroft RoadMoor EdgeMoores FactoryMoor GrangeMoor House FarmMoorlandsMoorlands Rd Ashfield RdMoor LaneMoorlynMoorside CrescentMoorside InnMoorside Manston CloseMoorsley Bank FarmMoorsley Road-Eskdale StreetMoorsley Road-Kirkdale StreetMoorsley Road-Station HousesMoorsley Road-Valley ViewMoorsley Road-Weardale StreetMoorsley Road - York StreetMoreton Station (Stop A)Morley CrescentMorleys OpeningMorleys South TerraceMorley WoodMorrison BustyMorrisonsMorrisons DailyMorrison TerraceMorton PalmsMortons GarageMorwick FarmMoss Avenue (Stop D)Mosse WayMotion StreetMotorway BridgeMotorway Service StationMottram MoorMount Avenue (Stop C)Mount HillMount OswaldMount Oswald The DriveMount PleasantMount Pleasant FarmMount Pleasant RoadMount Pleasant Road-Grove ViewMount Pleasant Road-Portsmead RoadMountsett Garage - NorthMountsett Garage - WestMount Stewart StreetMount ValeMount Zion RoadMuirfield DriveMulberrry WayMulberry WayMullin CourtMundle AvenueMurcot TurnMurray HouseMurton Lane-CemeteryMurton Lane-East ViewMurton Lane-The LawnsMurton MoorMusgrave GardensMylah FarmNailsea And Backwell StationNairn CloseNational Express Coach FacilityNational Museum Of The Royal NavyNattress TerraceNature ReserveNavitie ParkNeasham Rd SurgeryNelson'S LaneNeston RoadNether CourtNetherlands AvenueNetheroyd Hill RoadNetherton CloseNeville ParadeNeville Rd - Howletch LaNeville Road - Stainton WayNewbottle Street-HallNew BridgeNewcastle Bank-Long BankNewcastle Cav CampusNewcastle Coach StationNewcastle Newgate StreetNewcastle RoadNewcastle Road - Grasmere CrescentNewcastle Road-Lochmaren TerraceNewcastle Road-Testo'SNewcastle Road-Wearmouth DriveNewcastle Road-Wearmouth HospitalNew CollegeNew Dun CowNew Elvet - Three TunsNewfields DriveNewgateNewgate St Methodist ChNewgate Street - Medical CentreNewgate Street Stand CNewgate Street Stand DNewgate Street Stand ENewholme EstateNewhouse ClubNewhouse FarmNewhouse Rd - Western AvenueNew Inn - Church StreetNew Inn FarmNewker HouseNewlands JunctionNew LaneNewlyn Drive RoundaboutNewmarket StreetNew Park House FarmNew RdNew RoadNew Road-Boldon LaneNew Road-Brooke AvenueNew Road-Ernest StreetNew Road FactoriesNew Road-John StreetNew Road-SchoolNew Row Road EndNewsagentsNew Strangford RoadNew StreetNew Tempest Road - York HouseNewton Cap BridgeNewton CourtNewton Heath Terminus (Stop F)Newton Of FotheringhamNewtown CornerNewtown HouseNicholls CollegeNien OordNine AcresNoel AvenueNorfolk RoadNorman TerraceNorth Beechburn TerraceNorth Bitchburn BankNorth BondgateNorth Bridge StreetNorth BritonNorthbrook CourtNorthdene AvenueNorth East GateNorth East Technology ParkNorth EndNorth End Car ParkNorth End -The CrescentNorth FarmNorthfield WayNorth Foreland DriveNorthgate HospitalNorthgate (Stand A)Northgate (Stand B)Northgate (Stand C)North Hylton Rd-Industrial EstNorth Hylton Road-Ashwood AvenueNorth Hylton Road-Hollywood AvenueNorth Hylton Road-Reeth RoadNorth Hylton Road-Yew Tree AvenueNorthlands RoundaboutNorth LaneNorthlea RoadNorth LodgeNorth Lodge EstateNorth Lodge ParkNorth LodgesNorth MoorNorth Railway StreetNorth RidgeNorth RoadNorth Road-Boldon DriveNorth Road-CarrmyersNorth Road-Hedworth HouseNorth Road SchoolNorth Road-SchoolNorth Road Stand ANorth Road Stand BNorth Road-Wilfred StreetNorth Seaton CrossingNorth Seaton Rd North EndNorth Shore RoadNorthstead AvenueNorth StreetNorth Street (Stop N1)North Street (Stop N5)Northumberland StreetNorth ViewNorth View-Laburnum GroveNorth View-Milton RoadNorth View Terrace-Gladstone StreetNorth View Terrace-Greenbank HouseNorth View Terrace-The FoldsNorth View Terrace-The GraneriesNorth West Fire & Control CentreNorthwick HotelNorton Grove StudNorwich RoadNorwood CrescentNorwood RoadNos 35-38 Addison RdNottingham PlaceNumber One RoundaboutNurseriesNurseryNursery SchoolNursing HomeNuttall SquareOak AvenueOakbank BroadwayOakcliffe RoadOakenshaw Road EndOakfield Road-Amberly GroveOakfield Road-Bexley PlaceOakfield Road - Fellside RoadOakfield Road-Oakfield CloseOak GardensOak InnOaklandsOak LaneOak Lane Manningham LnOakridge RoadOakridge Road GaragesOak TerraceOak Tree InnOakworth SchoolOban HouseOccupation LaneOcean RoadOcean ViewOdd Fellows ArmsOdeon CinemaOffice StreetOld Acres Hall Farm GateOld CollieryOld Community HospitalOld Co-Op StoreOld Durham Road-AspenlawOld Durham Road-Beacon Lough RoadOld Durham Road-Carlingford TerraceOld Durham Road-Cemetery RoadOld Durham Road-Holyoake GardensOld Durham Road-Sheriff HillOld Durham Road-St Edmunds RoadOld Durham Road-Whitehouse LaneOld Eden CollieryOld Moor LaneOld PitOld Pump LaneOld Railway BridgeOld Rectory CloseOld School HouseOld ShipOld StationOld Village ShopOpp Farm EntranceOpposite Co-OpOpp Tarka CentreOptilon - Cook WayOrange Hill RoadOrchard PlaceOrchard RoadOrchard View NurseryOrion BoulevardOrnsby HillOsborne StoreOsborne Street (Stop Ab)Osborne Street (Stop Ac)Osbourne TerraceOxbridge CourtOx Close Crescent - SchoolOx Close FarmOxford GarageOxford StreetOxford TerraceOxhill CrossingsOxley TerraceOxton Lane EndPack HorsePadmoor LanePancras Road-Perth RoadPancras Road-Primate RoadPansy StreetParadise CottagesParish ChurchParkPark AvenuePark Farm VillasPark GatesParkhead EstatePark Hill Estate Park AvenuePark HouseParkhurst RoadParkland TerracePark Lane-Buttermere CresPark Lane-Parkgate LanePark RoadPark Road - Newcastle RoadPark Road North - BroadwayParkside Crescent - Ash CrescentParkside GladeParkside SchoolParkstone GrovePark StreetPark TerracePark Terrace-Hawthorne DrivePark ViewPark View School - Deanery SitePark View School - North LodgeParkwayParkway-Cleeve CourtParkway-Fellside RoadParkway-GlastonburyParkway-Parkdale RiseParkway-Regency DriveParkway-Tindale DrivePartridge Close Road EndPassfield Way - OakersidePassfield Way - SouthwayPattinson Road-Alston RoadPattinson Road-Mandarin WayPattinson Road-Sewage WorksPatton WalkPavilionPawston RoadPayne ClosePeace RoadPearl RoadPease Way - Cumby RoadPease Way - Emerson WayPease Way Medical CentrePeasholme GreenPeasholm ParkPeel AvenuePeel Retail ParkPelaw Crescent - Conyers AvePelaw Square - Conyers RoadPelaw Square - The ClosePelham AvenuePelham RoadPemberton ArmsPemberton Bank-Blindy LanePemberton Bank-Smiths TerracePemberton Bank-St Michaels ChurchPemberton RoadPembroke CourtPendle RoadPendle TerracePenhill ClosePennine Dr - Cheviot PlacePennine Drive - Brecon ClosePennine Drive - Polden ClosePennine Drive - SchoolsPennine HotelPenrhyn StreetPenryhn AvenuePenryn AvenuePenshawPenshaw GardensPerth RoadPerth Road - Pearl RoadPerth Road - Purley RoadPesspool AvenuePesspool Lane EndsPeterlee Bus Station Stand APeterlee Bus Station Stand BPeterlee Bus Station Stand CPeterlee Bus Station Stand DPeterlee Bus Station Stand EPeterlee Bus Station Stand FPeterlee Bus Station Stand GPeterlee Bus Station Stand HPheasant Wood DrivePhiladelphia LanePhiladelphia Lane-Bus DepotPhiladelphia Lane-Success RowPhiladelphia Lane-The CrescentPhoenix Care CentrePhoenix RowPiccadilly (Stop Eo)Picktree Lane-Bonemill LanePicktree Lane Bus DepotPicktree Lane-Vigo LanePier Avenue (Stand D)Pier HeadPierremont CrescentPilkington WayPillans AvenuePine Tree AvenuePinetree GardensPinfold LanePink Bank LanePipewell GatePit LanePit RoadPitteuchar RoundaboutPitt StreetPixiefieldsPixley Hill CottagesPlantation ViewPlayer DrivePleasant ViewPlessey South Moor FarmPlough InnPlover DrivePlunkett TerracePoachers PlacePolefield Hall RoadPolharrow BrPolice HousePolice HousesPolice Link Road - Leisure CentrePolice StationPolquhanityPont BungalowsPont Head Estate - Tunstall GrovePont Head Estate - Tweed AvenuePont LanePontop Road EndPont ViewPool Meadow Bus Station (Stand Q)Poplar StreetPorchester DrivePortal GrovePortland TerracePort LanePortmeadsPortmeads Road-FellsidePortmeads Road-Portmead RisePortmeads Road-UplandsPortobello InnPortobello Road-Board InnPortobello Road-DunveganPortobello Road-LonsdalePortobello Road-Portobello TerracePortobello Road-ThursbyPortsmouth Road-Hylton RoadPortsmouth Road-Pennywell RoadPortsmouth Road-Shopping PrecinctPost BoxPost OfficePost Office LanePost Office Sorting CentrePost Office - Sun InnPost Office - The RoyalPottergatePottery BankPottery LanePowell StreetPow Hill Country ParkPowick TurnPrebend StreetPremier InnPremier Road-Pearl RoadPrestbury RoadPrestfield RoadPresthope Road-Perivale RoadPresthope Road-Portslade RoadPretoria ClubPretoria RdPrice AvenuePrimary SchoolPrimrose FarmPrimrose HillPrince Charles Ave Oak TreePrince Consort Road-Bewick RoadPrince Edward Road-Carden AvenuePrince Edward Road-Centenary AvenuePrince Edward Road East - Lizard LanePrince Edward Road-Forber AvenuePrince Edward Road-InglesidePrince Edward Road-King George RoadPrince Edward Road-Larch AvenuePrince Edward Road-Russell AvenuePrince Edward Road-Valley LanePrince Edward Road-WaysidePrince Of WalesPrincess Louise RoadPrincess Road SchoolsPrinces St - Gibbon StPrinces Street TopPringle PlacePringle Place AllotmentsProspectProspect HouseProspect LidlProspect PlaceProspect TerraceProudfoot Drive - ShopsProudfoot Drive - SouthProudfoot Dr - Walker DrProvidence LanePublic HousePudding LanePulleyn DrivePump Hill GaragePunch BowlPurvis TerraceQm Hospital AccessQuaker WoodQuarry RoadQuebec Street EndQueen Alexandra Road - Durham RoadQueen Elizabeth HospitalQueen Margaret Hospital (Front Entrance)Queens GardensQueen Square Bus Station (Stand 11)Queen Square Bus Station (Stop A)Queens RoadQueens Shopping ParkQueen StreetQuicksilver WayQuilstyle RoadRaby ArmsRaby CourtRaby Hunt InnRaby RoadRaby SawmillsRacecourse Lane-Cricket GdRadcliffe Metrolink (Stop B)Radford BankRadford Bank InnRadio TransmitterRadisson Hotel WatersideRail StationRail Station FootbridgeRail Station (Stand Ee)Rail Station - Stop Nr MorrisonsRail Station (Stop Rc)Railway BridgeRailway CottagesRailway HousesRailway StationRailway Station BusRailway TerraceRainton Bridge Ind EstRainton Bridge Ind Est CRainton Bridge Ind Est DRainton Bridge Industrial EstRainton LodgeRamcliffe GrangeRamsey CrescentRamsey RoadRamsey StreetRamsgate RoadRamside HallRandolph StreetRavenswood Rd-Rutherford SqRavenswood Road-Duck & KangarooRavenswood Road-Kidd SquareRavenswood Road-Runcorn RoadRavenswood Road-Rutherford RoadRavensworth CourtRavensworth GreenRavensworth Rd - Raby RoadRavensworth Rd - ShopsRavensworth RoadRavensworth Road-Bowling GreenRavensworth Road-Community CentreRavensworth Road-Morris StreetRc ChurchRcschoolRc School Church LaneRectory CloseRectory LaneRectory Lane-Millfield RoadRectory RoadRectory Road-Dunsmuir RoadRectory Road-Whitehall RoadRed Barns FarmRedcar Rd-Marley PotsRedcar Road-Number 40Redcar Road-Number 51Redcar Road-Radcliffe RoadRedcar Road-Rotherham RoadRedcar Road-Runnymede RoadRedcar Road-SchoolRedgate HeadRedgate House FarmRed Hall FarmRedhill Road-Rochdale RoadRedhill Road-Rotherham RoadRed House EstateRed House FarmRed LionRed RowRedwell Hall FarmRedworth Hall HotelRedworth RoadRedworth Road-Industrial EstateReed AvenueRegent Centre InterchangeRegent Street North EndRegent Street South EndRelly FarmRennys LaneReservoirReservoir StreetReta DriveRetail World Marquis WayRichardson AvenueRichardsons & Westgarth Social ClubRichmond SchoolRidding Road BottomRidding Road - The LarchesRidge FarmRidge TerraceRidgewayRiding HillRidlington WayRillington FieldsRimswell Road South EndRipon AvenueRipon TerraceRippingale WayRiver Drive-Number 3River Drive-Number 62Riverhead Exchange (Stand B)RiversideRiverside CollegeRiverside Cricket GroundRiverside InnRiverside RoadRiverside Way-Clasper WayRixown Kennels - Hinds HoRoad EndRoad End - EastRoad EndsRoad End - The MeadowsRobert Smith CourtRobertson Road PavilionRobert SquareRoberts SquareRobert StreetRoberts WalkRobson AvenueRobson TerraceRochdale Rd Clay House LaneRochdale Road (Stop A)Rochford RoadRoch StreetRockbridge RoadRockcliffe Way-Lambton ArmsRockcliffe Way-Ravensworth AvenueRockingham CloseRockingham DriveRockingham RoadRock Road SchoolRock Villa Road EndRoddymoor Road EndRodridgeRogerson TerraceRoman Avenue - Hedworth LaneRoman Road - Brancepeth TerraceRoman Road-Langley TerraceRonald RoadRook RowRoosevelt AveRopery Lane Rc SchoolRopery Lane RoundaboutRopner ParkRose And Crown PhRosebank RoadRoseberry CottageRoseberry Road RoundaboutRosebery AvenueRose Cottage - Farm LaneRose CrescentRosedale AvenueRosedale Avenue - ShopsRosedale HouseRosemary DriveRosemount GarageRosemount RoadRose PlaceRose StreetRose Street-Morrison StreetRosewell DriveRothbury Gardens - Meldon GardensRothbury Rd Phone BoxRothbury Road - Alnwick RoadRotherfield Rd-Ravenswood RdRotherfield Road-Rhodesia RoadRotherfield Road - Riga SquareRotherford Road - Ramillies RoadRothesay TerraceRough Lea Road (Stop F)Rougier StreetRoundaboutRouses LaneRow Foot Road EndRowley BankRowley CrescentRoyal CourtsRoyal GeorgeRoyal Hospital Chester Road ARoyal Hospital Chester Road BRoyal Hospital Hylton Road HRoyal HotelRoyal OakRoyal StarRoyal TelegraphRudgateRuffside HallRunciman RoadRush ParkRushyford DriveRuskin RoadRuskin-Sidney CloseRussell StreetRutherford TerraceRutland RoadRydal AvenueRydal StreetRyhope HospitalsRyhope Road-Angram DriveRyhope Road-Askrigg AvenueRyhope Road-Ayton AvenueRyhope Road-Bennett CourtRyhope Road - Carnegie StreetRyhope Road-Cedars CourtRyhope Road-Cedars ParkRyhope Road-China StreetRyhope Road-CollegeRyhope Road - Hollywood RoadRyhope Road-Marine DriveRyhope Road-Mowbray RoadRyhope Road - Ocean RoadRyhope Road - Queen Alexandra RdRyhope Road-Rhoda TerraceRyhope Road-Ryton SquareRyhope Road-Salterfen RoadRyhope Road-The CedarsRyhope Road-Weldon AvenueRyhope Street-Brick RowRyhope Street-LibraryRyhope Street-Post OfficeRyhope Street South-Roselea AveRyhope Street-St Pauls TerraceRylstone CloseRyton VillageSacriston Road - New CollegeSaddler Street Stand ASailing CentreSainsburysSainsburys SupermarketSalcombe AvenueSalters LaneSalters Lane-Woodland MewsSaltwell ParkSaltwell Road-Brunel StreetSaltwell Road-Saltwell CemeterySaltwell Road South-Chowdene BankSaltwell Road South-Chowdene ParkSaltwell Road South-Crook FootSaltwell Road South-East Park RoadSaltwell Road South-Joseph SwanSaltwell Road South-South-CrematoriumSaltwell Road-Stephenson StreetSalutation Bus GateSalvation ArmySamson StreetSandbachSandburn WoodSandheys AvenueSandhole ClubSandhurst StreetSandown RoadSandown StreetSandringham RoadSandscroft AvenueSandy BaySandy LaneSandy Lane NorthSandy RoadSandys ArmsSandys AvenueSankey ForumSaracens Head PhSaughall Massie RoadSavile Rd Norton StreetSavile RoadSawmillSawmill Lane EndSaxby StreetSaxby Street (Stand A)Saxon ChurchScaleScampton Lane EndScarisbrick AvenueScholemoor AvenueScholes Lane EndSchoolSchool AvenueSchool Bus ParkSchool - ChurchSchool HouseSchool LaneSchool Lane EndSchool RoadSchool RowSchoolsSchool St Dixon ClSchool StreetSchool St Rochdale RdScorers Lane EndScotch IsleScotland Hall RoadScotland Head-BirchgateScotland Head-Park LaneScotland Head-Snook Hill CottagesScotland Head-Stephenson WayScotland Head-St Pauls ChurchScotland Head-West LaneScotland Lane EndScripton FarmSeacrest RoadSeacroft Ring RoadSeacroft The GreenSeaforth Station (Stop A)Seaforth Station (Stop B)Seaham Grange FarmSeaham HallSeaham Road-Earsdon RoadSeaham Road-Gillas LaneSeaham Road-Market PlaceSea HorseSeamer CrossroadsSeamer RoundaboutSeamer StreetSea Road-Gypsies GreenSea Road-Information CentreSea Road-Mowbray RoadSeaside Lane-Easington StreetSeaside Lane-Memorial AvenueSeathorne CrescentSeathorne Primary SchoolSeaton CrescentSeaton Lane InnSea View Industrial EstateSeaview Residential ParkSecond Ave - Yetholm AveSecond LodgeSedburgh FieldsSeddon AvenueSedgeletch Road-Abbey DriveSedgeletch Road-Avenue VivianSedgeletch Road - Front StreetSedgeletch Road-Industrial EstateSedling Road
Selby GardensService StationSevenacresSeven StarsSeventh AvenueSevern CloseSewage WorksSeymour GroveSgt Mark Stansfield WayShaftesbury Jct BShafto TerraceShafto Way-Outside Nos 90-147Shafto Way - Shafto HouseShakespeare AvenueShakespeare TerraceSharon AvenueSharpeville CloseSharpley Hall FarmShaw BankShawfield CrescentSherburn Grange FarmSherburn ParkSherburn RoadSherburn TerraceSherburn Tower EstateSherburn Tower Estate- LilleycroftSherburn Tower Estate-LilleycroftSherburn Tower Estate-Snipes DeneSherburn Towersestate-Snipes DeneSheridan DriveSheriffs Highway-Springfield PlaceSherridge RoadShetland WayShibdon Bank-Hazel RoadShibdon Bank-Hazel TerraceShibdon Bank-Lime StreetShibdon RoadShibdon Road-Axwell ParkShibdon Road-East ViewShibdon Road-Larch RoadShibdon Road-Shibdon BankShibdon Road-Swalwell RoundaboutShibdon Road-West ViewShield Row LaneShield Row SchoolShields RoadShields Road-Croxdale TerraceShields Road-Morven DriveShields Road-Richmond AvenueShields Road-StonehillsShincliffe StationShip InnShirley RoadShopShopping CentreShopsShotley StablesShotton Hall SchoolShotton Road FlyoverShrewsbury Arms PhSibton LaneSilksworth Road-Allendale RoadSilksworth Road - Board InnSilksworth Road-Warwick DriveSilksworth Road-Woodside GroveSilverburn AvenueSimpasture GateSir Ed Walker HomesSiskin HillSkegness AcademySkipbridgeSkipton CloseSkipton Rd Appletree GardensSkipton Rd Cocking LaneSkipton Rd Easby DriveSkipton Rd LaybySkipton Rd Middleton RoadSkipton Rd Victoria AvenueSkipton Rd Westville RoadSkipton Road Dale ViewSkipton Road NetherwoodSkipton Road The HollinsSlackholme Lane EndSlaley Hall Road EndSlaymaker LaneSleepy Valley WoodsideSleetburn Lane FarmSlingsby GroveSlip RoadSmailes Lane - Cowell GroveSmailes Lane-Engel StreetSmailes Lane - Highfield RoadSmailes Lane-Pipe BridgeSmailes Lane-StewartsfieldSmailes Lane-Valley ViewSmallbridge LibrarySmallbrook RoadSmillie Road Hail And RideSmithy Carr LaneSmithy FarmSniperley EstateSniperley Park And RideSnippersgateSnow HallSnows Green RoadSomers CloseSomerset RoadSophia StreetSouthSouth Burns Stand KSouth Burns Stand LSouth Burns Stand MSouth Church Rd - Mccullagh GdnsSouth CollegeSouth CourtsSouth DriveSouthend AvenueSouth End GarageSouth End VillasSouthfield AvenueSouthfield RoadSouthfields-Waveney CresSouthgate (Stop B)South Happas Farm Road EndSouth Hetton Road-Primary SchoolSouth Hetton Road-Snippers GateSouth Hetton Road-St Marys ChurchSouth LeamSouth Ln Frances StreetSouth Moor Rc SchoolSouth ParadeSouth Quay Nursing HomeSouth RoadSouth Road CollegesSouth Sherburn Kells WaySouth Shields CrematoriumSouth StreetSouth Tyneside HospitalSouth ViewSouth View - Central DriveSouth View HousesSouth View - Watsons GarageSouthway - Dart RoadSouthwick Road-Carley RoadSouthwick Road-Carley SquareSouthwick Road-Howard StreetSouthwick Road-Morgan StreetSouthwick Road-StadiumSouthwick Road-Suddick StreetSouthwick Road-Wallace StreetSouth Wingate HouseSouthwood CrescentSpa BridgeSparSpa RoadSpa Well RoadSpa Well Road - Noel AvenueSpectrum Leisure CentreSpencer CourtSpencer RoadSpencer StreetSpen FoldSpen LaneSpen StreetSpindleberry GroveSpire Road-Glover Industrial EstateSpital RoadSplit Crow Road-Clyde StreetSplit Crow Road-Fife StreetSports And Social ClubSports CentreSportsmans ArmsSportsman'S ClubSports & Technology CollegeSpout LaneSpout Lane-Tynedale WalkSpringfield AvenueSpringfield DriveSpringfield Rd Grove RoadSpringfield Rd Whitwell GroveSpringhill LaneSpring Hill LaneSpringwell VillageSpurn AvenueStable House FarmStag LaneStags HeadStags Head PhSt Aidans ChurchSt Aidan'S ChurchSt Aidans TerraceStaindrop CrescentStaindrop Road EndStaindrop ViewStainland Rd Long HeysStainland Rd Queen StreetStainland Road Health CentreStainton LaneSt Albans ChurchStancombe LaneSt Andrews ChurchSt Andrew'S ChurchSt Andrew'S HallSt Andrews PlaceSt Andrews RoadStanhope GreenStanhope ParadeStanhope Rd-Talbot RoadStanhope Road-Alnwick RoadStanhope Road-Alverthorpe StreetStanhope Road - Ashley RoadStanhope Road-Bewick StreetStanhope Road-Boldon LaneStanhope Road-Gresford StreetStanhope Road - Lismore AvenueStanhope Road-Wantage StreetStanhope Road-West Park RoadStanley Bus Station Stand AStanley Bus Station Stand BStanley Bus Station Stand CStanley Bus Station Stand DStanley Bus Station Stand EStanley Bus Station Stand FStanley Bus Station Stand GStanley Bus Station Stand HStanley Bus Station Stand JStanley Bus Station Stand KStanley GroveStanley Hall - Sitwell RdStannerford RoadStannerford Road-Crawcrook LaneStannerford Road-East ViewStannerford Road-FarmSt AnnesSt Ann'S RoadSt Anthony'S SchoolStanway RoadStanwell Street (Stop Bb)Stargate LaneStargate Lane - Hexham Old RoadStargate Lane-Hollybush GardensStargate Lane-King Edward RoadStargate Lane-Main RoadStargate Lane-Middle RowStarley Gardens (Stop Cu5)Starling Road (Stop D)Starr Carr LaneStathmore RoadStationStation CottagesStation CrescentStation Estate NorthStation Estate SouthStation HotelStation HouseStation Industrial EstateStation LaneStation Lane-Brick WorksStation Lane-George StreetStation Lane-Spencer Ind EstateStation RdStation RoadStation Road-Alisha ValeStation Road-BridgeStation Road ClubStation Road EndStation Road-Helmsley CloseStation Road-HollydeneStation Road-Industrial EstateStation Road-Manor HouseStation Road-Office StreetStation Road SouthStation Road - Stirling LaneStation Road-St Pauls DriveStation Road - The GroveStation Road-Wensleydale AvenueStation Road-WesterdaleStation Road - Worm Hill TerraceStation StreetStation Street (Stand Eg)Station ViewStation VillasSt Augustine'S ChurchStaxton RoundaboutSt BarnabasSt Bede'S SchoolSt Bede'S School GroundsSt Botolph'S ChurchSt Catherines ChurchSt Charles Road - Cricket GroundSt Columba'S ChurchSt Cuthberts High SchoolSt Cuthbert'S High SchoolSt Cuthberts RoadSt Cuthberts Way - WmcSt Davids CloseSt Ebbas WaySt Edwin'S ChurchSt Edwin'S CloseSteetley QuarriesStella Bank-RunheadStella HouseStella Road-Hedgefield AvenueStella Road-Hedgefield TerraceStella Road-High HedgefieldStella Road-Stella Hall DriveStella Road-Stella StreetStephenson Road - FactoriesStephenson Road-SchoolStephenson WaySterling WaySt Finnian'S ChurchSt Gregorys SchoolSt Helens AvenueSt Helens ChurchSt Herbert'S ChurchStile Petrol StationStirling LaneSt Ives ChurchSt James CourtSt James RoadSt Johns ChurchSt John'S ChurchSt John'S CrescentSt Johns GardensSt Johns ParkSt Johns Rc School YardSt Johns RoadSt John'S RoadSt John'S Road LaybySt John Vianney Catholic ChurchSt Lawrence'S ChurchSt Leonards AvenueSt Leonard'S ChurchSt Leonards DriveSt Leonards SchoolSt Leonard'S WalkSt Lukes ChurchSt Margaret'S ChurchSt Margarets SchoolSt Martin'S ChurchSt Mary Magdalen SchoolSt Mary'S BoulevardSt Mary'S ChurchSt Mary'S DriveSt Marys Rc ChurchSt Marys SchoolSt Michaels ChurchSt Michaels WaySt Monica'S High SchoolSt Ninians RoadStobb Cross Road - 1Stockheld LaneStockley BridgeStockley FarmStockley Fell FarmStockley GroveStockley Lane EndStocks ApproachStocks RiseStockton HallStockton Primary SchoolStockton Rail StationStockton RoadStockton Road-Hawksley GrangeStockton Road-Mary StreetStockton StreetStoker CrescentSt Omers RoadStonebank TerraceStonebowStonelawStone RowStoneybeckStoney Haggs RiseStopes RoadStopper LaneStoreStore ClockStorey CrescentSt Oswalds ChurchSt Osyth RoadStotley HallStows Caravan SiteSt Patricks ChurchSt Patrick'S ChurchSt Pauls ChurchSt Paul'S ChurchSt Pauls Hill RoadSt Peter'S High SchoolSt Peter'S Primary SchoolStrathmore RoadStravenhouse RoadStreet CottagesStrid WoodStringer TerraceSt Robert Of Newminster Catholic SchoolStrothers RoadSt Stephen'S ChurchSt Stephens Church Holly HillSt Teresa'S HospiceSt Thomas Aquinas ChurchSt Thomas ChurchSt Thomas More Rc AcademySt Thomas More Rc ChurchStuart PlaceStubb House HotelStutton Road ShopsSubwaySuccess RoadSuccess Road-Shop RowSuccess Road-Trinity ParkSuffield CloseSugar Hill SchoolSummerfieldSummer Hall IngSunderland City HallSunderland CrematoriumSunderland Green TerraceSunderland HighwaySunderland InterchangeSunderland RoadSunderland Road-BungalowsSunderland Road-Byron WalkSunderland Road-Chad HouseSunderland Road - Felling MetroSunderland Road-GarageSunderland Road-Grosvenor MewsSunderland Road-Grosvenor RoadSunderland Road-Harton House RoadSunderland Road-Holly HillSunderland Road-Holmfield AvenueSunderland Road - Kirkwood GardensSunderland Road-LodgeSunderland Road-Marsden RoadSunderland Road-Moore StreetSunderland Road-Morpeth AvenueSunderland Road Musgrave GardensSunderland Road-St James CourtSunderland Road - Stoney LaneSunhurst DriveSun InnSunningdale AvenueSunniside Road-Elm CourtSunniside Road-Grange LaneSunniside Road-Hole LaneSunniside Road-Holywell LaneSunniside Road-Napier CourtSunny BluntsSunny TerraceSunnywood DriveSuperstoreSurtees ArmsSurtees Rd-Edenhill RdSurtees RoadSurtees ShopSutcliffe AvenueSutton StreetSwalwell Bank-Clavering RoadSwalwell RoundaboutSwan RoadSwimming PoolSwinburne TerraceSycamore AvenueSycamore CloseSyke FootSykes AvenueTadcaster RoadTail Upon End LaneTail-Upon-End Lane - Marlene AvenueTall ShipsTanfield Comprehensive SchoolTanners Hall FarmTansy BankTanyard BrowTarran Way SouthTate AvenueTavistock WalkTaylor StreetTeal FarmTeam Street-Gas WorksTeam Street-Gas Works Bridge RoadTeam Valley CentreTees BarrageTees CrescentTeesdale School Bus ParkTees WalkTelephone ExchangeTelephone KioskTemperance TerraceTemperance YardTempest RoadTemple Alwyn GardensTemple GardensTemple Park Road-Stanhope RoadTemple Park Road-Ullswater GardensTennyson HouseTennyson TerraceTenpenny BridgeTenters Street Stand BTerminusTerraceTerrace EastTerrace - WestTescoTesco ExpressTesco ExtraTesco StoreTeviot StreetThames CrescentThatchers FootThe AshtonThe AustralianThe AvenueThe Avenue-Bethune AvenueThe Avenue - Essex CrescentThe Avenue - SainsburysThe Avenue ShopsThe Avenue - Sixth AvenueThe Avenue - The GreenThe BaileyThe BankThe BanksThe Beck PhThe BeechesThe BellThe BirchesThe Black SwanThe BluebellThe BothyThe BoulevardThe Broadway-Broadmayne AvenueThe Broadway-Glasbury AvenueThe Broadway-Glenleigh DriveThe Broadway-Springwell RoadThe Buckles InnThe CentenaryThe CentreThe Chains - WoodmanThe ChequersThe CloseThe CockThe CometThe CornucopiaThe CrescentThe CricketersThe CroftThe CrossThe CrownThe DriveThe Drive-Lothian CloseThe Drive-Moray CloseThe Drive-Portree CloseThe Drive-SchoolThe Drive-Sycamore GroveThe EdgeThe Elms Caravan ParkThe FairfieldThe FalconThe Fat Lamb InnThe FensThe FlagThe FleeceThe Fox HoleThe Fox & PheasantThe General Medical CentreThe GeorgeThe GlebeThe GlenThe GrangeThe GreenThe Greenhead HotelThe GroveThe Gunmakers ArmsThe HillThe Hill TopThe HollybushThe HollysThe Honest LawyerThe HorseshoeThe KennelsThe KestrelThe Kings ArmsThe KnollThe Lamb InnThe LawnsThe Leeds ArmsThe Links - Buckinghamshire Road EndThe Links - ShopsThe LionThe LodgeThe LovesThe Lygon ArmsThe Masons ArmsThe Mere B&QThe Mile HouseThe MitreThe MooringsThe MountThe New PippinThe Old Post OfficeThe Otter & FishThe OvalThe PaddockThe PavillionThe PikeThe Plough - SouthThe PointerThe PoolThe Post OfficeThe Rams HeadThe Red LionThe RiddingsThe Ring Road FootbridgeThe RosetreeThe RoyaltyThe ShipThe Ship PhThe Sills Hail And RideThe Slack - BridgeThe SlonksThe SouthendThe StreetThe SwanThe Top HouseThe Vane ArmsThe VicarageThe Vicarage-Prince Charles AvenueThe VillageThe WheatsheafThe Willows Nursing HomeTheynes CroftThingwall RoadThird StreetThirlmere Ave Lower Edge RoadThompson Road-Blanchland DriveThompson Road-Carley RoadThompson Road-Grange Park AvenueThompson Road-Morgan StreetThompson Road-The Kings RoadThompson StreetThornaby DriveThornbury AvenueThornbury RiseThorner Lane EndThornhill GardensThornley Lane-Glamis CrescentThornley Lane-HollinhillThornley ParkThornley TerraceThorns DriveThornton TerraceThorntree GillThorp AcademyThorpe Road CemeteryThree Lane EndsThree Tuns WestThrislington QuarryThropton CloseThroston CloseThroston Medical CentreThurlow Road NurseriesTilery Lane EndTimes InnTiree CloseTitchfield RoadToby Hill LeTodd Carr RdToft CrescentToll Bar AcademyToll Bar SchoolToller RoadTollgate HouseToll HouseToll House RoadToothill LaneTopTop O'Th' CarrsToronto Lodge HotelTorre RoadTorwell DriveTottington High SchoolTower FarmTower StreetTown CentreTown Centre - Asda (Stand B)Town EndTownfieldTown HallTown Hall (Stand M)TownheadTown HouseTown Pasture LaneTown Railway Station (Stop B)Trade ParkTravellers RestTravis StreetTrinity Arts CentreTrinity ChurchTrinity RoadTristram AvenueTrolaneTrunch LaneTrunnah ChurchTruro AvenueTubwell Row (Stand H)Tubwell Row (Stand I)Tubwell Row (Stand J)Tuckers ShopTudhoe Moor NurseryTudor DriveTudor Rose CloseTunstall Bank - Withernsea GroveTunstall Village GreenTurf StreetTurkey Cock LaneTurner RiseTurning CircleTweddle TerraceTweed CloseTweed RoadTweed StreetTwelfth AvenueTwenty Shilling WoodTwizell Road EndTwo Ball Lonnen-West RoadTyne Rd East - Hollyhill Gdns WestTyne RoadTyne Road EastTyne StreetUllswater CrescentUlnaby LaneUnderhillUnderwood RoadUnion StreetUnited UtilitiesUniversity HospitalUniversity Hospital Of North TeesUniversity Of SunderlandUniversity - Palatine CentreUniversity Science ParkUnsworth Medical CentreUpper TownUshaw FarmUshaw Hill TopUsworth Station RoadVale StreetValley ParadeValley RoadValley Tce-North Bitchburn BankValley TerraceValley ViewValley View CloseValley View GarageVandyke RoadVane Road-Mellanby CrescentVane Road - SchoolVane Terrace - CastlereaghVaudrey LaneVedra CloseVermontVerner RoadVicarageVicarage FlatsVicarage - Station RoadViceroy StreetVictoria AvenueVictoria ClubVictoria CourtVictoria InnVictoria LaneVictoria RoadVictoria Road - Avenue RoadVictoria Road - Avenue Road (Stand N)Victoria Road Blackley RdVictoria Road Brooksbank SchoolVictoria Road East-Byron AvenueVictoria Road East-Jubilee CourtVictoria Road - Grand HotelVictoria Road-Jervis StreetVictoria Road-Lobley Hill RoadVictoria Road Melrose CourtVictoria Road-Queen StreetVictoria Road West - Hall RoadVictoria Road West-HartleyburnVictoria Road West - Hebburn BathsVictoria Road West-Mill CrescentVictoria Road West-North Farm RoadVictoria Road West - Quarry RoadVictoria Road West-South DriveVictoria Road West-Sports GroundVictoria Road West - Ushaw RoadVictory ClubViewfield TerraceViewly HillVigo LaneVigo Lane-Bedford AvenueVigo Lane-Cricket GroundVigo Lane-Cumberland PlaceVigo Lane - Durham RoadVigo Lane-EskdaleVigo Lane - Firtree AvenueVigo Lane-Harwood CloseVigo Lane-Laburnhum AvenueVigo Lane-LonsdaleVigo Lane-Sycamore AvenueVigo Lane-The DriveVigo Lane-Woodlands SurgeryVilla FarmVillageVillage HallVillage Lane EndVillage Lane - The AvenueVillage WestVillasVincents CornerVincents Corner - Front StVine StreetVirgil StreetVisualsoft HouseVyners CloseWadsworth FarmWaithlands RoadWalden CloseWaldridge Rd - Second AveWalker AvenueWalker Drive - Taylor SqWalsgrave ChurchWalsham CloseWaltons TerraceWardle StreetWards EndWards RndWarkworth DriveWarkworth Drive BottomWar MemorialWar Memorial - Bingo HallWarren FarmWarren LaneWarrington Bank Quay StationWarrington West Railway StationWarstones DriveWashington Arts CentreWashington CrescentWashington District 15 ExitWashington Galleries Bus StationWashington HospitalWashington Retail ParkWashington Road-Blackwood RoadWashington Road-Canterbury RoadWashington Road-Cherry Blossom WayWashington Road-Craigavon RoadWashington Road-Ferryboat LaneWashington Road-Hylton LaneWashington Road-MuseumWashington Road - Nissan FactoryWashington Road-Severn HousesWashington Road-Wear ViewWashington Road-West Moor FarmWashington Way - Nissan FactoryWatergate Bank-LodgeWatergate Bank-Marquis Of GranbyWaterloo CornerWaterloo Road ClubWaterloo Station (Stop A)Waterloo Station (Stop C)WatersideWaterside HospitalWater Sports CentreWaterview Park Stand 1Waterview Park Stand 2Waterview Park Stand 3WaterworksWaterworks DriveWatling Road - Aclet HotelWatling Road - BakeryWatling Road - Lime GroveWatling StreetWatling TerraceWatling WoodWaverley RoadWaverley Road-Malton GreenWaverley Road-Rokeby ViewWaverley Road-Skipton GreenWaysideWeardale AvenueWeardale Bus DepotWeardale Community HospitalWeardale Dr - Farndale SqWeardale Drive - West LaneWeardale Street WmcWear RoadWear TerraceWear ViewWebb AvenueWebb Square Hail And RideWelbeck RoadWelburn LodgeWelfareWelfare Crescent ShopsWelfare Linden ParkWelfare ParkWellburn RoadWellfield Close (Stop B)Wellfield RoadWellfield Road ClubWellgarthWellington Road-Collingwood TerraceWellington Road-Dunston RoadWellington Road-Nelson StreetWellington StreetWells GardensWells LaneWellwick HouseWelwyn FactoryWensley CloseWensleydale Avenue-Station RoadWensleydale Avenue-WharfdaleWensleydale CloseWerdohl WayWerdohl Way NorthWesleyan ChapelWest AvenueWestbourne ParkWest Chilton Tce East EndWest Chilton Tce West EndWest CloseWest DriveWest EndWest End TerraceWest End - Turning CircleWestern AvenueWestern HillWesterton Lane EndWest FarmWestfieldWestfield Crescent FootpathWestfield NurseriesWestfield PlaceWestgarth GroveWestgateWestgate CrescentWestgate Road-Elswick StreetWestgate Road-Gloucester RoadWestgate Road-Tindal StreetWestgate TerraceWestgate Walk-In CentreWest High StreetWestkirke AvenueWestlands AvenueWest LaneWestlea ShopsWest Lodge Caravan ParkWest Moor House FarmWestmoreland StreetWestmorland RiseWestoe RoadWestoe Road - Erskine RoadWestoe Road-Hyde StreetWestoe Road-Madeira TerraceWestoe Road-Mowbray RoadWest Park RoadWest RoadWest Road-CollegeWest Road RectoryWest Road-Roman FortWest Road-Shipley AvenueWest Road-The PlazaWest Shields Road EndWest Square Stop VWest TerraceWest ViewWestview TerraceWest WayWest Woodburn FarmWetherspoons PhWeymouth DriveWhaggs Lane-Ashfield RoadWhaggs Lane-Oakfield RoadWhaggs Lane-South View TerraceWharfedale Rd Lumb Gill LaneWharton ParkWharton StreetWharton TerraceWhashton GreenWhashton Green Lane EndWheatbottomWheatsheafWheler StreetWhellyhill FarmWhessoe Parish HallWhickham Bank-North ViewWhickham Highway-Bracken DriveWhickham Highway-Coniston AvenueWhickham Highway-Hillcrest DriveWhickham Highway-Knightside GardensWhickham Highway-The HighwaymanWhickham SchoolWhinfieldWhistle CragWhitby AvenueWhite ChurchWhite Cottage FarmWhite GatesWhite Gates HoWhitehall RoadWhitehall Road-Brighton RoadWhitehall Road-Prince Consort RoadWhite Hart (Stop Ab)Whitehill InnWhite Horse AvenueWhite HouseWhitehouse CrescentWhite House FarmWhitehouse LaneWhite House Lane EndWhitehouse WayWhiteleaWhiteleasWhiteleas ShopsWhiteleas Way-Hogarth RoadWhiteleas Way-Holbein RoadWhiteleas Way-John Reid RoadWhiteleas Way-SchoolWhiteleas Way-Sutherland CourtWhitelees RoadWhite-Le-Head GardensWhitesmocksWhitesmocks - Grey LodgeWhite Swan PhWhite Tun PhWhitewell Green LaneWhitewell Green Ln Springfield RdWhitewell LaneWhittle AvenueWhittle StreetWhittonstall Hall FarmWhitwell Green LaneWhitwell HillWhitwell TerraceWhitwell WayWhitworth TerraceWidehaughWilbraham StreetWildernessWilkinson StreetWilliamfield - Hawkshead PlWilliamfield WayWilliam Morris AvenueWilson StreetWilton GroveWimpole RoadWinchcombe CloseWindermereWindmill GroveWindsor GroveWindsor RoadWindsor Road - CrematoriumWindsor TerraceWindygates RoadWindy HarbourWindy Harbour CrossroadsWingate Road-Emerald CottageWingrove Road-Fire StationWinlaton Bus StationWinston RoadWinterstoke RoadWinterton South East LodgeWinthorpe AvenueWintringham Lane EndWithins StreetWivenhoe RoadWolsey StreetWolviston RoadWoodburn DriveWoodburn LodgeWood Close FarmWood CornerWoodham Burn SchoolsWoodham GateWoodham Way - Brafferton CloseWoodham Way-SunningdaleWoodham Way - The BridleWoodhorn DemesneWoodhorn VillasWoodhouse Lane SchoolsWoodhouses FarmWoodifield Hill - West HouseWoodland CrescentWoodlandsWoodlands Close FarmWoodlands Rd - Dene ParkWoodlands RoadWoodlands Road EndWoodlands Road - Rosedale AvenueWoodlands Road - Selbourne GardenWoodland TerraceWood LaneWood Lane - Raby RoadWood Lane - Walworth RoadWoodlea CourtWoodpecker JunctionWoodsideWoodside Lane-Greenside RoadWoodside Lane-Heathfield GardensWoodside RoadWoodside TerraceWoods TerraceWoodthorpe ShopsWoodway WalkWoolfall TerraceWordsworth RoadWorking Mens ClubWorkmens ClubWrekentonWyke BanksWykeley RoadWyke Lion JunctionWyken CroftWyken Grange RoadWyke Old LaneWylam ViewWynyardWynyard Business Park Entrance RoundaboutWynyard RoadWynyard Road EndWynyard WoodsWyre Vale ParkYarborough HotelYarm Road Post OfficeYeckhouse LaneYellow Car ParkYetholm RoadYoden WayYoden Way - Chapel Hill RoadYoden Way ShopsYork AvenueYork Avenue-Bamburgh GroveYork Avenue-Langley TerraceYork Avenue-Penshaw ViewYork Avenue-Prudhoe GroveYork Avenue-Roman RoadYork Avenue-The CrescentYork Avenue-Valley ViewYork CollegeYork High SchoolYork Hill CrescentYork Hill EstateYork Hill RoadYork HouseYork Road - Argus ButterflyYork Road - Central LibraryYork Road Ind EstateYork VillasYouth CentreYouth HostelZetland PlaceZoar Inn
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