Ackroyd Drive / Burdett Road (Stop Mb)Acorn FarmAirdrie RoadAire Street BAire Street CAirport Bus Station (Bay H)Alandale CrescentAlbemarle RoadAlbion RoadAlbury RoadAlder RoadAlexander RoadAllerton Bywater ChAllerton IngsAllotmentsAll Saints' ChurchAlwins FieldAmbulance Station RoundaboutAnderson AvenueAntonine CrescentApex Corner /Hampton Road West (Stop D)Apex Corner /Hampton Road West (Stop U)Apex ParkAppenine WayApple Tree LaneArbery Road (Stop Q)Arbery Road (Stop Z)Archray RoadAscent ParkAscott HouseAsdaAshburnham CrescentAshland Roundabout NorthAshland Roundabout SouthAshton RoadAspen Way (Stop Q)Aspen Way (Stop R)Austhorpe LaneAylesbury Bus Stn (Bay 5)Aylesbury Bus Stn (Bay 6)Aylesbury RoadAylesbury StreetBalcastle GardensBalloch RoundaboutBalmalloch RoadBancroft Road (Stop I)Bank Street BBank Street DBarbeggs CrescentBarleyhill RoadBarley MountBarley MowBarnard CrescentBaronsmeadBazely Street (Stop A)Bedford Girls SchoolBeech GroveBerking AvenueBethnal Green (Stop A)Bethnal Green (Stop B)Bideford GreenBierton RoadBirchmoor GreenBirchs CloseBlackhillBlands AvenueBletchley TescoBoltons Lane (Stop Bk)Bonner Street (Stop Hb)Bonner Street (Stop Hd)Bp GarageBridge StreetBrigshaw DriveBrigshaw LaneBrionne WayBrock CloseBrookfield RoadBrooklands AvenueBrooklands DriveBrooklands Middle SchoolBrooklands ParkBrooklands RoadBrook RoadBrowells Lane Uxbridge Rd (Stop Ab)Browells Lane Uxbridge Rd (Stop Al)Buddle LaneBull FarmBunkers LaneBurcott LaneBurnham Street (Stop K)Burrator DriveBushfield DriveBus Station (Bay 2)Bus Station (Bay 3)Bus Station (Bay 9)Bus Station Stand C (Stand C)Butt HillCalvert CloseCambridge Heath Station (Stop M)Cambridge Heath Station (Stop P)Cambridge Road (Stop L)Cambridge Road (Stop Z)Cambridge StreetCane End LaneCaravan ParkCarden AvenueCarrwood ParkCastle CloseCaswell LaneCedar RoadCemeteryCentral Business Exchange (Stop Q3)Central Railway Station (Stop Z1)Central Way (Stop G)Central Way (Stop H)Chadwick CrescentChalk Hill FarmChapel End LaneChapel PathChart LaneChaul End LaneCherrycourt WayChestnut HillChestnut NurseriesChilmark GardensChosen Hill SchoolChrisp Street Market / All Saints Dlr (Stop B)ChurchChurchdown LibraryChurch RoadChurch StreetChurch Street (Stop P1)Church WalkCity Square ICivic MClapham Dene RoadClarence RoadClifton RoadClipstone BrookCoffee Hall Roundabout NorthCoffee Hall Roundabout SouthColdharbour (Stop F)Coldharbour (Stop H)Colton Retail ParkCommerce WayCommunity CentreCondorrat InterchangeConiston RoadCorbet RideCorn Exchange HCorn Exchange JCorrie RoadCouncil OfficesCourt GardensCourtyard MarriottCraiglinn RoundaboutCranford Lane Hatton CrossCrescentdaleCrescent RoadCromwell Road Bus Station (Stop A2)Cromwell Road Bus Station (Stop A6)Cross Gates Ctr BCross Gates StationCrossharbour Asda (Stop Ce)Crossharbour (Stop Ap)Crossharbour (Stop Cf)Cross HillsCrossroadsCross Street (Stop Hb)Cross Street (Stop Hm)Crow LaneCroy Station EntranceCulmuir TerraceCultural ACultural DCultural ECultural GCyprus RoadDar VillasDawlish TerraceDeans FarmDeans RoadDelabole RoadDenmark RoadDetroit DriveDickens LaneDodkin
Donyngs Leisure CentreDove StreetDraper WayDrumpellier AvenueDuck LaneDuke StreetDunhill RiseDurrell CloseEaglestone Roundabout WestEarlswood LakesEastchurch RoadEast Ferry Road Crossharbour (Stop R)East Garforth StnEast India Dock Road / Limehouse (Stop Wo)East India Dock Road / Limehouse (Stop Wr)Eastnor RoadEast StreetEast Surrey Hospital (Stop H1)Eastwood GroveElmfield Avenue (Stop C)Elmfield Avenue (Stop D)Elm LodgeEmley ViewEnterprise WayEnvoy Avenue (Stop K)Envoy Avenue (Stop M)Eric Street (Stop Mc)Eric Street (Stop Me)Etive CrescentEversholt RoadExchange Street (Stop E2)Exe BridgesFairfax Road (Stop D)Fairfax Road (Stop E)Fairfield CourtFairhaven RoadFairhazel DriveFairmile GardensFarm HillFeltham Assembly Hall (Stop S)Feltham Assembly Hall (Stop T)Feltham Police Station (Stop W)Feltham Police Station (Stop Y)Feltham Station (Stop M)Feltham Station (Stop N)Fern GroveFinch CrescentFindlay WayFircroft RoadFirst And LastFishermead BoulevardFishermead Roundabout SouthFlying ScudFore Street (Stop 13)Fore Street (Stop 14)Foxtor RoadFrench'S AvenueFriarage RoadFrog Furlong LaneFyne DriveGalleylane FarmGambier Parry GardensGarden HedgeGarforth BridgeGarforth Ckt GrndGarforth Fire StnGarforth Main St AGarforth Main St BGarforth Main St CGarforth Town EndGarland CloseGarrell Vale Community CentreGeneral MotorsGipton ApproachGlencoe TerraceGlobe Road (Stop Hf)Gloucester RoadGolden DriveGolden Riddy NorthGolden Riddy SouthGordon RoadGrange AvenueGrange RoadGrasmere Way NorthGrasmere Way ShopsGrasmere Way SouthGreat South West Road Hatton (Stop H)Great South West Road Hatton (Stop J)Greenacre CourtGreenfaulds High SchoolGreenlandsGreenleas SchoolGreenwayGrovebury Retail ParkGrovebury Road Bus LinkGt Preston CornerGt Preston SchoolGt Preston Sports ClubGt Preston Sprt ClbGt Preston Village HallGuildford CloseGuttman RoadHaccombe CloseHalton DialHalton LibraryHalton LidlHalton TescoHampton By HiltonHampton Road East (Stop E)Hampton Road East (Stop T)Hampton Wick (Stop B)Hampton Wick (Stop G)Hanworth Air Park Leisure Ctr & Library (Stop Ad)Hanworth Air Park Leisure Ctr & Library (Stop Aj)Hanworth Road (Stop Hf)Hanworth Road (Stop Hu)Harbour Exchange Square (Stop P)Harbour Exchange Square (Stop S)Harlington Corner (Stop J)Harlington RoadHarlington Road East (Stop E)Harrington DriveHarvey RoadHatton Cross Station (Stop C)Hatton Cross Station (Stop E)Hatton GreenHatton Road North (Stop K)Hatton Road North (Stop M)Haverfield Green / Grove Road (Stop D)Hay Barn Business ParkHaywood ParkHazel RoadHeath CloseHeath GreenHeath Park DriveHeathrow Central Bus StationHeathrow Central Bus Station (Stop 19)Higher Barley MountHigher Rads EndHigh StreetHigh Street / Feltham (Stop E)High Street / Feltham (Stop F)High Street (Stop 3)High Street (Stop 4)High Street (Stop 6)High Street (Stop B)High Street (Stop H1)Himley GreenHockliffe RoadHockliffe SchoolHockliffe SignalsHoliday InnHoliday Inn ExpressHollingdon TurnHolly Road (Stop Hc)Holly Road (Stop Hl)Holne CourtHornbeam CloseHornbeam RoadHounslow Road Hanworth (Stop Ae)Hounslow Road Hanworth (Stop Ah)Hulcott LaneHydrus DriveImjin BarracksImperial SquareInnsworth House FarmIsle Of Dogs AsdaIveagh CourtJack Dash House (Stop D)Jack Dash House (Stop N)Jakeman EdgeJeans WayJunior SchoolJuniper DriveJupiter DriveKennet LaneKilsyth Swimming PoolKing Edward AvenueKing Edward'S Road (Stop Le)King'S CottagesKings RoadKingston Lane (Stop Q)Kingston Lane (Stop W)Kingston Station (Stop Q)Kingston / Wood Street (Stop N)Kingston / Wood Street (Stop P1)King Street
Kings WayKingswear ParadeKinnerton WayKinnerton Way BottomKippax Comm CtrKippax Co-OpKippax Health CtrKippax Lane EndKippax Leisure CentreKippax Leisure CtrKippax North SchoolKirkviewKnaves HillKnowle DriveKnowles SchoolsLactans EdgeLadbroke RoadLansbury Avenue (Stop F)Lansbury Avenue (Stop J)Lansdown WalkLeadenhall Roundabout NorthLeighton United Football ClubLeisure CentreLesbourne Road (Stop M)Letchmire RoadLeyson RoadLibraryLibrary (Stop 6)Lichfield RoadLime GroveLinwood GroveLister GreenLivingstone ParkLock LaneLomond DriveLondon RoadLongford Close (Stop F)Longford Close (Stop R)Longford ParkLonglevens CrossroadsLower Rads EndLower Teddington Road (Stop A)Lower Teddington Road (Stop H)Lower Winchester AvenueLukes LaneLuton Station Interchange (Stand 1)Luton Station Interchange (Stand 10)Lywood RoadMagistrates CourtMags LaneMain RoadMalvern DriveMandeville RoadManor FarmManor Park AvenueManor RoadManse RoadMaple RoadMaree DriveMare Street / Victoria Park Rd (Stop Q)Mare Street / Victoria Park Rd (Stop R)Marigold HouseMarket CloseMarket Square (Stop 5)Marston Road (Stop P)Marston Road (Stop X)Meadow Way EastMeadow Way SouthMeadow Way WestMelfort DriveMentmore Recreation ParkMile End Park Leisure Centre (Stop Mf)Mile End Station / Bow Road (Stop H)Mile End Station / Mile End Rd (Stop G)Mile End (Stop A)Mile End (Stop B)Miletree CourtMill LaneMill RoadMilton Keynes Hospital (Stop B)Milton LodgeMondial Way (Stop Bl)Moor EndMoorgate RoadMorpeth Street (Stop He)MorrisonsMount PleasantMount Pleasant AvenueMurray AvenueNarrow Gauge RailwayNational Physical LaboratoryNational Physical Laboratory (Stop K)Nelson RoadNene Road (Stop Bj)Nene Road (Stop Bm)Newport Road (Stop Bs)New RoadNew Road Harlington (Stop D)New StreetNewton WayNew Water EndNicolson DriveNinevah LaneNorth RoadNorth StreetNutfield RoadOakley GreenOak RoadOld ChapelOld Ford Road (Stop G)Old Ford Road (Stop H)Old RoadOld Vicarage RoadOrchard Drive FootpathOrmond Drive (Stop Hj)Ormond Drive (Stop Ht)Oxford Road Hampton HillOxstalls LaneOxstalls WayParkfield ClosePark LanePark Road Hampton HillParkside (Stop Ha)Parkside (Stop Hn)Park StreetParsonage FarmPeterborough RoadPicnic AreaPirnie PlacePixley Street (Stop Wp)Pixley Street (Stop Wq)Playing FieldsPlummer HavenPolice StationPontefract LanePopham Close (Stop C)Popham Close (Stop V)Poplar / All Saints Church (Stop G)Poplar High Street / Blackwall (Stop S)Poplar High Street / Blackwall (Stop T)Poplar Recreation Ground / Poplar Station Dlr (Stop D)Poplar Recreation Ground / Poplar Station Dlr (Stop E)Portage AvenuePortland Drive EastPortland Drive FlatsPost OfficePrecinctPrince Of WalesPriory CourtPriory DrivePriory RoadPriory ViewPrisonPromenade (Stop 5)Pumping StationQueens Road (Stop G)Queens Road (Stop P)QueenswayRadstock WayRailway BridgeRailway StationRaincliffe RoadRavens CourtReddings FarmReddings ParkRedhill Bus Station (Stop 3)Redhill Bus Station (Stop 4)Regent StreetReigate Grammar SchoolRichmond RoadRichmond Road GaragesRichmond Road GreenRidgmont Railway StationRobert Burns AvenueRobinson StreetRose And CrownRosebery AvenueRothschild RoadRotten RowRotundaRoundabout At Town CentreRoundel DriveRowley FurrowsRugby ClubRugby GroundRutland CloseSagan Rise
Sainsburys ClaphamSandcross LaneSandgate DriveSandhills RoadSantander House (Stop W3)Savile RoadSaville RoadSawyer'S ArmsSerpentine GreenShaftesbury Junction AShaftesbury Junction BSheepcote CrescentShelburne RoadShepherds WaySherwood GreenShopsSidwell Street (Stop 18)Sidwell Street (Stop 23)Sidwell Street (Stop 36)Simpson PlaceSipson Way / Blunts Avenue (Stop Bc)Skyliner RoundaboutSlipshatch RoadSmart Street (Stop Hc)Smithstone CrescentSoulbury RoadSoulbury TurnSouthboundSouthcote RoadSouthcourt AvenueSouthcourt RoadSouth Grafton Roundabout SouthSouth StreetSpencer WaySpringfield RoadSpringfield Roundabout SouthStadium ApproachStadium Mk (Stop A)Stadium Mk (Stop B)Stanbridge Lower SchoolStanbridge RoadSt Andrew'S PlaceStanton RoadStation AStation RoadStation Road (Stop D)Station TerraceSt Barnabas Church (Stop R)St Barnabas Church (Stop Y)Stewkley RoadSt John'S AvenueSt John'S RoadSt Mark'S ChurchSt. Mark'S Road (Stop R)St. Mark'S Road (Stop V)St Mary'S ChurchSt Mary'S WaySt Maurices Sec SchoolStockhall CrescentStoke Mandeville Hospital Asda StoreStoke Mandeville Hospital Main GateStoke Mandeville Hospital Out PatientsStoke RoadSt Paul'S Way (Stop Ma)St Paul'S Way (Stop Mg)St Peter'S ChurchSt Phillips CourtSycamore AvenueTebworth RoadTechnology ParkTeddington / Broad Street (Stop E)Teddington / Broad Street (Stop F)Teddington Lock (Stop M)Teddington Lock (Stop Y)Teddington Memorial Hospital (Stop J)Teddington Memorial Hospital (Stop L)Temple WalkTescoTexaco GarageThe Angler'S Retreat PhThe Bell PhThe Blue Bridge (Stop E)The Boot PhThe BroadwayThe BuswayThe Carpenters' Arms PhThe Cedars Upper SchoolThe ChequersThe ChurchThe Dolphin PhThe DriveThe GreenThe LindensThe MaltingsThe Manor HouseThe MillThe Old Elm InnThe Old Red LionThe Plough & Harrow PhThe Point (Stop K3)The Quadrant (Stop N1)The Quadrant (Stop N3)The Red Lion PhThe SquareThe Stag InnThe SwanThe Weavers PhThorpe ParkThree Arch RoadTiler'S WayTilsworth Golf CentreTindall AvenueTollgate HouseTorre RoadTown Centre Stances (Stance 3)Transport Hub ArrivalTransport Hub (Bay J)Trent WayTrowers WayTruro DriveTurning Circle WestboundTyrells EndTyrells RoadUniversity Of Cumbria In London (Stop Ws)University Of Cumbria In London (Stop Wz)Upper CoombeUpper North Street (Stop C)Upper North Street (Stop F)Upper Winchester AvenueUxbridge Road / Hampton Sainsbury'S (Stop S)Uxbridge Road Hampton (Stop Hk)Valley RoadVandyke CemeteryVandyke RoadVandyke Upper SchoolVesta GroveVevers RoadVicarage RoadVictoria RoadVillage HallWallis DriveWalton StreetWarden Hill RoadWatercolour CanalsideWatercolour Holmesdale AvenueWaterdellWater Eaton Co-OpWater Eaton RoadWaterhall ParkWaterloo Manor HospWatersideWatling CourtWeathercock LaneWell LaneWestfield GroveWestfield RoadWeston AvenueWest Street (Stop 1)West Street (Stop 2)WharfsideWheatfield CloseWhipsnade RoadWhite HillWhite HorseWiggie LaneWigley Road (Stop Ac)Wigley Road (Stop Ak)William StreetWillow Bank WalkWillowbridgeWindmill Road Hampton Hill (Stop He)Windmill Road Hampton Hill (Stop Hv)Wingrave RoadWinslow RoadWinston CloseWinterhill Retail EstateWisteria WayWitham WayWithycombe WayWitts EndWoffington Close (Stop C)Woffington Close (Stop F)Woodlands RoadWoodpecker JunctionWorsted GreenWoughton Campus
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